Friday, December 31, 2010


Here is a post for all of you. Thanks for the resounding response to the last post and by resounding I mean I think that there were 7 different people who commented which inspired me to continue to keep on writing on here.

Today as I was taking a shower (don't get any dirty ideas kids) I realized that even though I cut my hair to really short a few weeks ago already I am still in the routine of taking far too much shampoo. And it just drives me crazy. Today I easily took enough shampoo for three hair washings worth, and this was not the first time. Imagine I have done this three times that is like nine showers worth. I just decreased the life of my current shampoo bottle by a week. This is probably something we all do all the time, but only I have the time to think about something as useless as that. But imagine this with anything else that you have, every time that you have food in the house that you let go bad. Just imagine if either you ate it before it went bad or if you didn't buy the food at all how much you could be saving.

I know everyone isn't as frugal as I am about these things, but really just think about it and be thankful that you have enough to make leftovers and let things go bad without even using. Especially around Christmas right now when I am sure everybody received something they will never use, or even never wanted and doesn't need. Let's all just be thankful for what we have.

That is what I have to leave with you all on this last day of 2010. I look forward to sharing more with all of you in 2011. Happy New Years to everyone.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So I decided I would share a new revelation that I had the other day. I know you are probably thinking that I never blog so why does it matter that I am posting something. Well I am hoping to blog a bit more often with the main intention of hopefully becoming a better writer one day. Now on to the main point.

I came to the conclusion today that an important asset in life is acquiring knowledge. No I am not talking about knowing every article on Perez Hilton's blog on the latest celebrity gossip, I'm talking about just knowing about important things, really anything for that matter. If this is true the best way to acquire knowledge is to read, so my new goal is to read... a lot. I think it is important to know things and be able to reference important events and such. So other then of course your standard history books which I will read a lot because of school I have also made it priority to also read any other book that has been deemed popular or important in the past say I dunno 500 years. Yes that is a lot of books. It just seems like the right thing to do. Anyways all the books that I am reading or have received lately are for different interests just so that I can have a vast array of knowledge when I am done. Here is a list of books that I am planning to or have read recently:

The Prince - Machiavelli
Hipster Christianity - Brett McCracken
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Divine Comedy - Dante
The Chronicles of Narnia
1984 - George Orwell

And the list goes on to of course continue to read the bible more and really any other book that I may find anywhere. I just think that is important to know about things and it seems that all books even fiction have some sort of message within them somewhere that is wisdom the other has to be passed on to someone.

Now is where I incorporate you, the reader, to give your input. Perhaps you have a book that you would like to recommend. Although my list is long of books to read I hope that eventually I will be able to get to them all.