Thursday, October 29, 2009


K so I realize I have really sucked a blogging lately, but I just have a quick story and proposal for what my next month of blogging will look like. Here goes.

So the other day I am at work and a co-worker approaches me and he always has questions to ask, which is great, makes the day more interesting.

CW - Co-worker
R - Ryan (Me)

CW - Well aren't you guys wearing quite the bright colored gloves.
(We wear bright green gloves, for me it is for warmth, not really protection, but if I don't wear them my hands dry up and crack and bleed)
R - Ya whatever keeps the hands warm.
(There is a bit of a pause in conversation)
CW - Are you optimistic Ryan?
(I am confused by the question as I am not sure what this has to do with my glove color)
R - What?
CW - You just look unhappy that I would ask about your glove color? Are you an optimist?
R - I'm not sure what do you think.
CW - Well do you have a positive outlook on...
(I interrupt him)
R- I understand what the word means.
CW - So are you optimistic or pessimistic?
R - I think I am more of a realist.
CW - Well is the glass half full or half empty?
R- Definitely half full.
CW - So you are an optimist.
R - No more of a realist, I don't expect the impossible to happen.
CW - I think maybe you are a philosopher.
R - Maybe

And I realize now that the conversation was really funny in the moment and this blog does not do it justice. But it makes me wonder, Do I come across as an optimist or a pessimist?

I have been told once by someone that they are surprised how optimistic I am because of how sarcastic I am, I guess people who are sarcastic appear to be bitter pessimistic people. Anyways I know I have lost my following because I have not blogged in forever ( Ya your laughing because I think I have a following) but if you could let me know what I come across as to you. Ok go!

Also the goal for November is to photograph a picture of myself everyday so that I can eventually make a flip-book or slideshow of the progress that I have made in No-Shave November. Game On!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I would just like to say that there is nothing I appreciate more then a good ironic situation. For example an overweight person in a gym teachers office. But the ironic situation I would love to point out was from the office this week, and I feel like a lot of people missed it so I feel the need to point it out, I realize that might ruin the joke completely But I wouldn't worry about that.

So Jim is doing a toast at his wedding about how he waited for Pam to finally fall in love with him and get married. And then it slips that Pam is pregnant and can't have a drink and they end up having a big conversation about the whole situation and then to end the whole situation Jim gives a toast to Waiting. I hope you all get the irony in this, like waiting for Pam but they couldn't wait to have a kid. So funny! It's not a laugh out loud funny but as I heard it I thought "Ya I am smart enough to understand that little joke"

Hopefully you are enjoyed that moment as much as I did, also watch the Office more if you don't already watch it enough.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Personal Photographer

So I was thinking today that it would be so awesome to hire a personal photographer to take pictures of my everyday life situations. And that person could just follow me everywhere, and maybe if they were multi talented they could even put all the pictures in a book for me and then write a story to document my life. Because really we all forget things and it would be helpful to go back in your photograph life book and be like "No this is how it really happened" because of course the other person is wrong in the conversation.

If you are interested in taking this position I will accept all applications, it will start out as a volunteer position for you, but as you become successful selling lots of stories about my life I will be able to pay you a small portion of it.

Or maybe I could just get someone to tape my life like in the Truman Show. . .

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sad Day

It was a Sad Day in Winnipeg on October 9'th when it snowed...

Yes it has already snowed, it actually started snowing on the 8'th but on the 9'th it seems that it may be here for good. So much for a short winter, after the hottest September I can remember October has gone downhill. This is usually around the time of year that I ask myself why I live in Winnipeg still.

Also pretty pumped about tomorrow, volleyball is going to be good. I don't even play but I still feel like I experience it just as much.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Six Minutes

I meant to post this a couple days ago but I forgot and time just goes to fast. But on Tuesday our volleyball team had a game and won the first set in Six Minutes. Well seven if you count the one minute timeout by the other team. It was nuts. Everything Happened So Quickly.

Song of the Day - Like Toy Soldiers - Eminem

Also there is a good chance I will be your next favorite reality TV Star on The Amazing Race. The Application is filled out and just needs to be mailed. My destiny is finally happening.