Thursday, October 29, 2009


K so I realize I have really sucked a blogging lately, but I just have a quick story and proposal for what my next month of blogging will look like. Here goes.

So the other day I am at work and a co-worker approaches me and he always has questions to ask, which is great, makes the day more interesting.

CW - Co-worker
R - Ryan (Me)

CW - Well aren't you guys wearing quite the bright colored gloves.
(We wear bright green gloves, for me it is for warmth, not really protection, but if I don't wear them my hands dry up and crack and bleed)
R - Ya whatever keeps the hands warm.
(There is a bit of a pause in conversation)
CW - Are you optimistic Ryan?
(I am confused by the question as I am not sure what this has to do with my glove color)
R - What?
CW - You just look unhappy that I would ask about your glove color? Are you an optimist?
R - I'm not sure what do you think.
CW - Well do you have a positive outlook on...
(I interrupt him)
R- I understand what the word means.
CW - So are you optimistic or pessimistic?
R - I think I am more of a realist.
CW - Well is the glass half full or half empty?
R- Definitely half full.
CW - So you are an optimist.
R - No more of a realist, I don't expect the impossible to happen.
CW - I think maybe you are a philosopher.
R - Maybe

And I realize now that the conversation was really funny in the moment and this blog does not do it justice. But it makes me wonder, Do I come across as an optimist or a pessimist?

I have been told once by someone that they are surprised how optimistic I am because of how sarcastic I am, I guess people who are sarcastic appear to be bitter pessimistic people. Anyways I know I have lost my following because I have not blogged in forever ( Ya your laughing because I think I have a following) but if you could let me know what I come across as to you. Ok go!

Also the goal for November is to photograph a picture of myself everyday so that I can eventually make a flip-book or slideshow of the progress that I have made in No-Shave November. Game On!


Henry said...

hmm, that's a good question. i think you tend to swing both ways. i agree with CW, you can be quite the humourous philosopher, and i love seeing it in your blogs

Josh Dyck said...

Someone told me I was a Pessimist the other day, "WHAT" thats what I thought. I think you are an optimist with a realistic outlook on life. which can come across as being pessimistic.

Terence said...

Ryan. Thank you for your commitment to grow facial hair. That in and of itself is a blessing to the world.