Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I would just like to say that there is nothing I appreciate more then a good ironic situation. For example an overweight person in a gym teachers office. But the ironic situation I would love to point out was from the office this week, and I feel like a lot of people missed it so I feel the need to point it out, I realize that might ruin the joke completely But I wouldn't worry about that.

So Jim is doing a toast at his wedding about how he waited for Pam to finally fall in love with him and get married. And then it slips that Pam is pregnant and can't have a drink and they end up having a big conversation about the whole situation and then to end the whole situation Jim gives a toast to Waiting. I hope you all get the irony in this, like waiting for Pam but they couldn't wait to have a kid. So funny! It's not a laugh out loud funny but as I heard it I thought "Ya I am smart enough to understand that little joke"

Hopefully you are enjoyed that moment as much as I did, also watch the Office more if you don't already watch it enough.

1 comment:

Julia said...

i caught it too!