Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This might just be my longest blogging drought ever. And I really did not mean for it to last this long because really I have had a lot to say just no time to say it. To quickly go over the past few weeks.

Week three of Prov volleyball camp was a good time as always, another good group of campers out and I am sure that everyone had a really fun time. Best part of that week was easily the amount of times that we made the campers think that they were in trouble and were going to have to run but then turned out to just be joking, and one time I ended up leading them in some very fun Ryan Malech Aerobics.

Week four of Prov, soccer camp. It was pretty fun even though I was only there for three days. Although my favorite part was not even part of camp that much it was just the coaches taking some Penalty shots on me after a session and I make a massive diving save on Dante, which I am told was on camera and I still need to see that video.

This past weekend I was in Minneapolis for Tom and Lauras wedding, and it was a hoot. Met some new people, and just had some good times. Went to Mall of America and Albertville, that whole spiel, and I got some sweet deals on a new jacket, a couple pairs of shorts and a t-shirt or two. It was overall a successful trip.

And as of yesterday I am officially moved out on my own, and it is so far so good, although I still have not had to pay any bills yet... So we will just wait and see how that goes, but this year I am sure there are good times to come.

I tried to keep this short so people would still read it, but there was just so much to report back on. So Peace out, and hopefully I will be more diligent in blogging during the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

aerobics... awesome (=