Monday, August 31, 2009

So the internet at my new home is really sketchy and I was just able to steal some from the internet so I decided the best possible use of my time is to blog.

So my new house is pretty sweet, people might think that it is small but for just two of us living here it really is the perfect size. And strangely even though I have not blogged in so long I still feel like I have nothing to blog about. But I will tell two quick stories.

1. The other day I was about to leave for church in the morning and I looked out the window and on my new freshly cut lawn there were about 1000 birds. Well not that many but there were probably over 200 on my lawn and the two neighbors plus the neighbors across the street, and really the whole street was filled with birds. And to leave my house I had to jingle my keys so that I would scare them out of the way. It was quite the thrill.

2. I realized that at most places my legacy lives on through only one thing, and that thing is aerobics. Yes aerobics is the most memorable thing that I do at most places. So it's pretty cool, I am thinking of making a video for people to purchase. If you would purchase a DVD with me leading aerobics please let me know if you would buy it, I could use the extra cash.

1 comment:

debs... said...

I completely forgot about your irrational fear of birds. Thank you for reminding me and making me smile!!