Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things that make you go hmmm...

Here are some things that really make me interested in what people are thinking sometimes. Here are some great situations I hope you can enjoy with me and see the ridiculousness of the situation.

1. When people are at the gym who have clearly planned to match their entire outfit. Example, today at the gym I saw some guy wearing; Nike Shoes, Nike Shorts, Nike Shirt, Nike Watch, Nike Socks and to top it off a Nike iPod holder. Girls often do this but it's more acceptable because it is almost expected.

2. People who you see at the gym everyday wearing the exact same outfit everyday. I have seen several people who always wear the exact same sweats and shirt everyday. There are two options to make this acceptable, A) You wash your clothes every day. B) You own several of the same shirts. Actually make that one, if you own several of the exact same name brand shirts it's super lame

3. To continue with the gym theme here, people who don't actually work out but look at themselves in the mirror. I thought this was something that only people my age did, but I have witnessed several people my parents age who just flex in the mirror for about an hour and then leave. These people can also be seen leaning on different machines and also texting. I witnessed a young man the other day flexing in front of the mirror just asking girls to stop and feel his arm. And You just know that guy is super cool.

4. This is one thing I will never understand. Wearing Ed Hardy. Really thats worse then wearing TapOut stuff.

Anyways but these people are still probably cooler then me, who just turns on the TV in front of me to make it look like I'm not creeping on people. Also my headphones are rarely on so I can listen in on people. Just kidding... But not really. Sometimes. Partially. On occassion.


Josh Dyck said...

ahaha I have done that before. Pushed pause on the ol ipod but left the head phone in. Its also a good tactic if you don't want people to bother you. Just leave the head phone in and walk around. No body will really want to bother you.

Nathan said...

i remember a girl when i was in elementary and jr high. she wore literally the same stuff everyday for about 2 or 3 years. i'm not even joking.

and that ed hardy was probably bought at walmart. hahaha

Rachel Wood said...

there's about a trillion ed hardy ads here in new york.