Friday, April 30, 2010

Keeping Pace

No this is not about my marathon training although this rainy weather is really holding me back. I was hoping to go for a really long run, like half marathon length either today or tomorrow. But unfortunately this rain is keeping indoors to the gym and running on a treadmill that long hurts my knees. Oh well next day of good weather I suppose.

The main point of this blog is just to prove that I am putting in an effort to blog regularly, and today I tried to fulfill a promise of posting the MTV Cribs video but as soon as I started pulling in the video my really horrible free windows movie maker would shut down. So I don't have it. Now you can help me by giving me a better video maker to use.

Also I have lots of time to think at work while I am cleaning or doing other tasks and these are some of my thoughts lately.

1. What do Hydro workers do?
2. Suppose these two statements are true.
"It's the thought that counts"
"Actions Speak Louder then Words"
A little contradictory isn't it. I mean a thought is hardly even a word which doesn't speak as loud as an action. So clearly the first statement is fault and the thought does not count.
3. Really what on earth do Hydro workers do? They make city workers look like they are working hard.

So Chew On That!

1 comment:

D said...

what about the phrase "sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me" and then "the pen is mightier than the sword" among others