Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So this might come as a shock to a lot of you but I have actually been training for the marathon, because I am actually going to run it. I started with a 7.1 mile run, and decided if I could do that with no training at all I was in good enough shape to start training this late.

Run 1: 3.3 Miles - 25 Minutes
Run 2: 7.1 Miles - 1 Hour 19 Seconds
Run 3: 3.1 Miles - 28 Minutes
Run 4: Sprint Training for 30 Minutes
Run 5: 3.1 Miles - 25 Minutes
Run 6: 6.2 Miles - 54 Minutes

Not to bad I think, plus there has still been your typical physical activity that I partake in such as soccer practices, floor hockey and biking as normal transportation as much as possible. Anyways today was the last run and it was great because I just knew I could keep going for sure so it felt pretty great. I have also been stretching much more and drinking a ton more water. So far I feel it's gone pretty well. Hopefully going to go for a 14 or 15 mile run this Friday or Saturday.

Also this past weekend I was in Minneapolis with my boys Manny and Andrew going to see our married friend Tom. And there was a going away party in the biggest house I have ever seen/ been invited into in my entire life. There will be a video coming soon, since naturally we decided to video tape as much of the house as possible MTV Cribs style.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

dude i wanna run a marathon too!