Friday, February 22, 2008


So as it comes time for my birthday I recently noticed that I share the same birthday as the dog that lives in this house during the day, whom I hate. So I had this vision/idea the other day of the worst birthday. Basically as most of you would have guessed, my birthday is completely overshadowed by the birthday of this horrible creature named Toby, all day everyone wishes Toby a happy birthday but not me.

Then at the end of the day I would confide in someone letting them know

"Hey it's actually my birthday today, and I am probably slightly cooler then this dog, that no one likes"

To which this person replies "I can say something and let everyone know"

"No I'm ok"


While I reflect on this potential birthday, I start to be reminded of my second life, in which I am Ryan the Intern from the popular TV show The Office.

Many people may not recall but this similar event happened, when Micheal Scott decides to host a birthday party to boost team moral, he looks for closest birthday and throws a birthday party for Meredith. Whose birthday is months away. Later at the end, Ryan the Intern notifies Toby that it was his birthday that day, but tells him not to tell anyone.

Ironically as this would be the worst birthday ever, it would also be the best due to the fact that I am so closely living with my other life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have ablog foo, thats wicked. i made one too. i dont use it tons, maybe i should. so ya i left you a message on face book. check it, and get back to me.