Sunday, July 6, 2008

Figured out

So some thoughts as to what I said in my previous post. I think that I have some insights as to why the transition home will be tough. I think it is unfair to say that anybody has not changed. I think the problem is that we have all been changing but everyone there has been living with everyone through the whole time. Where as when I get back it will just come all at once and they have not been with me through it.

Anyways other then that, today I had pretty much the best day ever. Started off with some church in the morning, then after that we decided to go out for lunch at Red Robin, little did we know the events that were to occur after we made that decision. We ate at RR noticing that Toys R' Us was right across the street, obviously we had to go. We went and played hockey, played baseball, which was so funny with this little kid watching us saying to her son: "Normally you are allowed to play baseball inside, but they are being very careful so it's ok." We were wearing helmets when we were at bat....very safe. Then there were a few impulse buys, and off we went back home. Got home and went to play soccer. It was great! I truly miss playing sports everyday more then ever, but now I decided I will play every Sunday. So it's all good. After soccer it was off to dinner at a board members house, then went to see Hancock. And just when you thought there was no time left to do anything, we climbed up on the rough and did the Soulja Boy Dance. After all that I have just enough time to blog about it for all you to hear.


Jacquie Martin said...

more thoughts on change... i read somewhere that the definition of an idot is someone who repeatedly does the same thing expecting a different outcome. we are all idots at some point. that aside, when you do return to winnipeg, one thing you can do to celebrate and continue to enjoy change is be involved in new things. i would love it if you would join me on friday nights. i get together with a group of teenage friends who need a super hero, that play soccer everyday and do soulja boy in their sleep. we could use a friend like you.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, remember when we went to toys R us, its was a good time.
and my beard is coming in awsome

ron & sandy said...

as much as I hate to say it, I think we all have changed Ryan.