Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 2

So I just realized it has been a week since I last posted. I am sorry to the many devout readers of my blog, because I for one have failed to keep you posted on my very upbeat life.

The days start at 5:00 AM and go until roughly midnight. Sometimes earlier, and every day is an adventure in itself, lots of stuff always going on. My bible class that I teach is superb, and although I tend to use unusual antics while teaching the point gets across to the kids, as they have remembered every memory verse so far, and have been starting to ask lots of questions. As I have been telling the stories of creation and how God ruined the world three times since then, they are starting to think God is some sort of crazy maniac, they are in for a surprise when Jesus comes around.

As for weekends, the UP house is good times, good people around willing to do fun stuff and trying to do new things. Went to Granville Island the other day, which was alright, although after the first few times it kind of gets a bit old, although the buskers are fun. Then went to the beach, played some volleyball, it was good to touch a ball again, but I would really love to play some real intense volleyball again. Then played cards, and I owned it, I believe that I am now the undisputed champ after five straight victories! AYO!

Sunday went to church for pancake breakfast then headed over to IKEA for some fun and games, which included a cheap lunch and a game of sardines. Then went around taking pictures, and I think we should send them to IKEA so they can use them in catalogs.

The evening ended with another game of sardines, but that wasn't until the UP House boyband played a free show once again, to a rather uninterested audience, I just don't think the girls here fully appreciate our presence, not sure what it is we are cute enough and got sweet skills.

1 comment:

ron & sandy said...

ok what is sardines?