Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

So today at work I had some time to bounce off my new theories with some of my co-workers and I decided it was only fair I share some of those ideas with you the readers. Even though my readers are probably dwindling because I do not blog enough I still try to keep you informed on my deepest thoughts. 

So here it is take this and chew on it for a while...

My new theory is that the weather people and sunscreen people are working together, within this theory I also believe that SPF is all a made up number, and also the UV ray index is also a made up number. Now let me explain...

UV Ray Theory - The weather channel (which would also be the sunscreen people) changes the UV Ray Index to try to encourage people to buy sunscreen. I mean I understand that you get burnt only in the summer, however apparently today the UV Index was 8 which is quite high and it was actually not that hot outside compared to usual. So they raise the Index so that people think that they need to go get sunscreen even though it isn't hot. So really the number is just made up and chosen everyday out of a hat with numbers ranging from 6 - 8 during the summer. 

SPF Theory - So my theory here is that SPF is just a made up number for different types of sunscreen. It really has no effect on how much it will actually protect your skin. Now I don't shop for sunscreen but can someone please tell me... Does it cost more money for higher SPF? If yes then it is definitely a scam so that people will pay more money so it is less likely for them to get burned... But really the number means nothing. 

So the system basically goes High UV --> More Sunscreen     Higher UV --> Stronger Sunscreen

And lets be honest here people, if you are prone to burn you will regardless of your SPF.

If someone can prove me wrong in any of these I will consider letting them go, however if not I will enter them as a Conspiracy Theory on Wikipedia, which is also the most reliable source on the internet besides my blog.


D said...

regarding UV...you say it wasn't hot but the UV index was still 8...consider this, how can skiiers get burned in the mountains? So...it's more a measure of the radiation coming into an area, and we usually worry more about it in the summer because it is when the sun is closest to us.

mannygoossen said...

boo, Danielle's no fun. Just imagine the conspiracy! Haha what if it's true?!?