Monday, January 10, 2011

Equality of Opportunity

Sometimes I wish that I was the writer for a globally popular blog that would stage large online debates about everything I wrote. I mean like even if the issue was entirely meaningless that people would find it worth their time to subscribe their time to read my blog. Or even better when the blog was heart wrenching or controversial that people would find it worth their time to comment and continue to check back and debate with other people. But when I have these ideas I think back to something that a professor once said, "Writing is actually quite arrogant because it means that you think people care about what you write."

Regardless that isn't what I wanted to write about. My main thing that I wanted to write about is brief and open ended because I'm still trying to piece together all my thoughts so I thought that I would see if anybody else had any thoughts, and then in the next day or two I would share mine. You see I view this blog as a relationship with the readers and good communication makes for a great relationship. So here is my question and background to the question.

Today while I was in my history class we were talking about social revolutions and the beginning of socialism. When talking about the definition of socialism it was basically said that it was working for the best interest of the group and when the best interest of the group is met that is when the individual will thrive. That being said generally the best interest of the group from a socialist perspective is ultimately equality, i.e. no social classes, little to no differences in wages and everyone helps each other.

Now when this was happening we talked about what the liberals would believe to counter this and that was that they would say that their system also promotes equality. But that Equality is through Equal Opportunity. Now here is the question, Is there really such thing as equal opportunity? I will just leave it at that, like I said very open ended. Tell me what you think. Hopefully I have motivated you to all engage in conversation. And really even if you don't respond I am still going to tell you what I think regardless in a few days anyways. Happy responding.


Josh Dyck said...

I am unsure about Equal opportunity. I think it would be nice in someways but would slow things down. Its like a volleyball team. when you are younger they want you to give everyone a chance to play. as you grow up they stop doing that. I think that after a while Equal opportunity can get in the way. but who knows. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as equal opportunity because there is no such thing as equal ability, passion, or interest. Thank God.