Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have never really been one to make a resolution at New Years and this year is like no other. The reason being because I always feel that I don't need a New Year to decide to change something suddenly. Plus every year my New Year resolution is usually the same thing like lose weight, or stay in shape throughout the whole year and not just for like four months at a time, or maybe workout three times a week and don't go for seconds. But really I think that I New Years resolution should benefit more people then just yourself, right? Maybe it doesn't necessarily matter if it benefits more then just yourself, and I mean yes my personal physical physique (note the alliteration) does make me more pleasing to your eyes it really does not benefit anyone other then me.

That being said I don't think that Resolutions are bad at all and it's probably just my pride that I don't want to submit to the idea that we all must resolve to be better somehow in the New Year. But this is a little poem/proverb that I found and I think that it would probably count as a good Resolution. Although the last line kind of goes against my whole idea of benefitting everyone but hopefully you will still understand.

Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.

Anyways I just think that is a good thing to resolve to. Maybe I am softer in my older years choosing a poem as my "mantra" for the New Year, but I just think this puts it nicely. And despite the last line of all good things are yours, I think that if you are going along with the other parts of the poem good things will come for all. At least that is how I am choosing to defend my point.

Happy New Year everybody.

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