Wednesday, March 5, 2008


So I am making an international symbol for props, you know like when you give props to someone.
So this is what you will do when you give props to someone.

1. Lift your hands up so they are right next to your ears.
2. Swing forward in direction of prop receiver while snapping your fingers.
- if you can not snap your fingers, make a click sound in your mouth
- also it is a normal snap not the snapping chewing tobacco thing, just normal snapping your fingers
3. After the snap you will point your fingers like a little pop gun towards the person receiving
4. You will tell them that Ryan Malech thought of this whole idea
5. After you will all give props to my idea, by going through steps 1-3 but point in the air to symbolize thinking of me.

While giving props nothing needs to be said as everyone should understand what is going on. To get this spread feel free to explain the procedure to everyone countdown and give props all together, eventually everyone will understand and this will not be necessary.

Please be open to this new idea. Although may seem ridiculous this gesture will catch on for that exact reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ryan i have some issues with your symbol for props, good idea but i think you will find people that cant snap proberly will be made fun of and be excluded when giving out props. really no one wants to make a click noise with their mouth. You may want to try a different technique.

you only need to use one arm, and any arm will do. you simply take your index finger and point at someone while giving them a nod of approval. its simple and everyone can point and nod. what do you think?