Monday, June 2, 2008

Game Over

So I have not posted in a long time and I feel like I have let down you the reader, my large following who everyday look at this page hoping for an update. Anyways lots has happened lately.

First off After School Program finished last Friday, which made for a sad/fun day. Luckily a good number of the kids are coming to summer program so I did not have to say good-bye too many times. There were laughs as well during the water fight, which made for an all around good day and finishing of camp.

Also I am obliged to put this in here, but it is kinda cool. So some guy from Matchstick Marketing gave me a free portable iPod charger for free, and to use and gave me a bunch of coupons for money off, and one extra charger with batteries to give to someone who could use it. So I have been testing it out and it is pretty sweet. Energi-On-The-Go is the deal. Also came with my new very own Energizer Bunny. So it's kind of cool, also it works really good, my batteries still haven't died yet at least and I have used it a bunch. So I would recommend it to all ya'll.

Also I realized I kind of like reading, and I have been reading a lot lately, know of any good books? Let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God's Blog by lanny donaho
its a gooder