Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Babies are all the buzz

So the title has nothing to do with the post, but I did just read that "Babies are all the buzz on blogger." So naturally I assumed that if I put that as my title my blog would be seen by more people. We will have to see, if my hit count goes through the roof overnight.

Today was once again a very hot day, luckily I had to only ref one game today which helped. However when I left the house at like 5:30 it was still plus thirty. And when I left the game at say 7:30 it was still plus 26. Wowzers, that is seriously just bonkers. I was on aware of the possibility of those temperatures at such times.

Also in the past two days outside I have encountered the most intense farmers tan of all time. The contrast is surreal, the white thighs crash against darkness of my knees like... something really light crashing with something really dark. That brings me to the song of the day which is somewhat predictable. But it is:

Black or White - Michael Jackson

Because right now I am both. So dark to be black, and so white to be white.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black and White.
Co-existing together in harmony.
Society has much to learn from your body, Ryan Malech. Look to Ryan, world, look to Ryan.
