Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So as some of you may know I am a big fan of people watching, and the university seems to be a good place to see a large variety of people. So lately I have been gathering information about different types of people. I do not mean to judge or stereotype these people, just these are the things I observed and the several different by not limited to types of people you can meet in university.

The Keener - Fairly self-explanatory, first one into class and last one out, sits in the front row, generally a nice person overall.

Question Guy - Self-explanatory again, always has a question about everything the teacher says. No matter how simple the statement he has a question about it. You may find yourself looking around after he asks that thinking to your self, "you have to be kidding me."

Comment Guy - Similar to question guy, but just has a comment, not a small snicker to a friend though, this is always a comment for the whole class.

Tim Horton's Guy - Always walks into class late, and you will rarely if ever see him without that large double-double in his hand. Also uses the coffee as an excuse for having too much energy. Using phrases like "Shouldn't have had coffee this morning." YOU HAVE COFFEE EVERY MORNING!

Talking Friends - This is a new generation of people for me that I need a new name for, they come into class a little early always sitting next to each other, they are the only ones that know each other, thus they are the only ones talking. Often making comments "Why is it so quiet that is so awkward." They are very proud of having someone to talk to. I am going to take a stab and say chances are they were not very popular in high school and enjoy everyone listening to them speak.

Will do anything for a Girlfriend Guy - This guy attempts to make small talk with every single girl in the class. Finally when a girl shows interest he clings to her like white on rice. Eventually he hears he has a boyfriend and he is left looking again.

Jack Black Guy - I can't think of any other way to describe him, a little bit chubby but still wears tight shirts and tight pants. Has long hair and gives off the impression that he is going to stick it to the man. Does not care much about what other people think. Mad Props.

Club Girl - Was at every club every night, at least you would think so. Always has stories after the weekend about how boring the club was so she just needed another drink, but then she left to another club, it was also boring so she just needed a drink, but then she left... You can see the cycle. Somehow after all her weekend adventures she still loves her boyfriend, and that is the only other thing you will hear her talk about.

The Legend - Now this guy is a cool guy, he is similar to Jack Black Guy in the sense that he does not care about what other people think. But he is a cool guy still, he can get along with anyone, will sit down at your table and talk and you will feel like you have known him forever. Most people have there is a chance he has been in university for several years now just taking a course at a time. None the less still a good guy.

The People Watcher - This guy is usually trying to blend in with the crowd, you may find him sitting on a bench with a Notebook taking notes on people. He seldom approaches other people and he will eventually use these notes to post them on his blog so other people can know his findings. Often looks quite creepy, sometimes mistaken for a pervert however he is not.

Ooppps that last one was me... Anyways I don't mean to be offensive, I just needed something to blog about.


Nathan said...


Timmy's guy/girl is so true. I have never not seen one of these since the start of high school. Although it's mostly been girls instead of guys for some reason.

Anonymous said...

great analysis of the general university crowd...

-Josh E

Anonymous said...

what about dexter the texter? someone who texts "their friends" constantly but is totally unaware of the person standing in front of them, can't finish a sentene with you or make eye contact?
maybe university has a rule about cell phones...but you will notice these people anyways, even without a cellphone their thumbs are twitching or permanently bent at the knuckle.

auntie jacquie

Jess... said...

If you want some good people watching go to an old school not busy resturant.
I started working at one.
you can learn everything from how a person eats, how they talk, and who they are eating with.
i just stand there in my little waitress area and watch people.
you would enjoy it