Saturday, September 27, 2008


I know that you guys have all been anxiously checking my page everyday hoping for a blog update. However I have really sucked it up lately with posting regularly.

The best thing that has happened lately is that The Office started again, now you may read this and think "Man Ryan you must have a pretty horrible life", however that is not true I just really love The Office and my life is still pretty good, I just missed it that much. Also I had my coaching debut today, and it was alright, can't complain to much I mean first tournament of the year, and there is room for improvement of course, but I am very excited for what this team can do. I was very impressed, there were huge strides take throughout the tournament.

I completed my first university assignment tonight even though it is not due until Monday, ya that's right two days before it is due I am done already. I am pretty pumped about that. Also tonight I am going to play bingo again, hopefully there will be some good luck tonight.

There was something else that I meant to write about but completely forget and it was the main reason I was posting, that is too bad you are all missing out on the most groundbreaking news probably, oh well hopefully for you I will remember for next time.

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