Thursday, May 28, 2009


So today I completed my first 14 hour work day... It was as good as it sounds. And seriously I spent a lot of that time driving. I drove about 200 kilometers today, anyways now I am about to go to sleep and wake up ready for another long day, just needed to make a quick post though. Also I am trying so hard to not let my job take over my life, because although people try to understand they don't get that I would actually much rather be done work at a normal time so that I can actually hang out with them rather then just be exhausted and ready for sleep. 

Anyways, I also would like to add that there is a rumor out there that my dream girl is following my blog regularly and I do not know who you are. So please identify yourself... or feel free to submit any possible leads you can think of. Your help is greatly appreciated.


mannygoossen said...

quit and paint with me. seriously, think about it. There's a position open!

Jess... said...

i know the pain
i've had twelve hour shifts
it feels good when you're holding a paycheck