Monday, May 11, 2009

Too busy?

So I realized today that I have not blogged in a long time and I actually had a few thoughts that I wanted to blog on, and most of these thoughts directly concern facebook. Let me note things that I find hilarious:

1. When people update their status more then 3 times a day. Although sometimes even three is too many, but really I mean the people that update their status like five times within the hour. I mean no offense or anything but do you think people really care that much? I don't know just putting it out there.

2. When people always include something in their status about their boyfriend or girlfriend. I realize I say this and everyone assumes I am the bitter single guy, but actually, I am the more content with my life then anyone else guy. But I think it is so funny that people will note that they got together with their bf or gf, and feel the need to say they had a great time. When I see that all I think is "Really? You had a fun time with the person you are dating? That is absolutely shocking that you enjoy spending time with that person!" (Please note the sarcasm) I would also like to note that counting down the days until you will see your significant other is really lame, and also saying that you miss them everyday is again not surprising to anyone I'm pretty sure. 

Anyways I also realized I am very busy with life right now since work is finally starting full long days again, so coaching three soccer team, playing on two soccer teams, helping out at youth actually takes up a lot/all of my free time, so I have a feeling this week is going to be super hectic. But I now understand what Loverboy was talking about when he said "Everybody's working for the weekend"

1 comment:

debs... said...

Never join twitter bro! Its just like constant status updates but is very fun to follow famous people and when your stuck at a desk all day!