Sunday, September 27, 2009


Another weekend has come to an end and this one was once again a success and this is what I did.

1. First volleyball tournament at the year. I wasn't playing just coaching, but those weekends are just awesome. And although the tournament didn't quite end the way we wanted I am pretty pumped about the rest of the season and what can be accomplished.

2. A super sweet Saturday night, it is not often you go to one quarter of a bomber game, Sargent Sundaes, and then watch 8 Mile all in the same night. It was good times all around. Also I am starting up a rap group...

3. Soccer Finals on Sunday. Unfortunately we lost the game 3 - 2. However I scored a goal, and I got a yellow card. So that is minus 1 for the loss, plus one for the goal and plus one for the yellow. So the game finishes as a positive. Sweet.

4. I got my phone bill and realized that I forgot to pay the last one, however someone it came in as if someone had actually paid the last one. So sweet!

But now it is time to go back to work tomorrow. Although it is pay day so really it can't be too bad of a day other then that it is Monday, but we will just have to make it worth while.

Song of the Day: Use Somebody - Kings of Leon

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