Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So a few weeks ago I was driving along down Henderson Highway, just minding my own business. I was in no rush at all just on my way home from work. I am nicely positioned in the central lane listening to some music, when suddenly out of nowhere I hear this blaring of the horn. I look up to see no the light ahead of me isn't green so I am not being motioned to go. But I keep on looking around to see what is going on as it is clearly a very violent and loud horn. Then when I look to the curb lane I see some lady coming just racing down the lane, but has time to lean over the wheel and yell at me using both hands! Ya she yelled with her hands. And I still to this day have no idea why she yelled at me or what I did. I looked around after and I was nicely in the centre of my lane. Anyways this happened probably almost a month ago now and not a day goes by when I don't wonder what I did to make that lady so upset. If you know please inform me.

Also lately at University it seems there are more and more people wearing their sunglasses inside. And I know a thing or two about being cool in university and you don't wear your sunglasses inside. So please take them off. It's polite and it's not uncool. See what I did there. . .

1 comment:

Nathan said...

don't worry. she wanted to know why you were so awesome. she became jealous and just couldn't stand how bright and shiny you were 'cause it was blinding her. it was your awesomeness. you're guilty of being too cool ryan