Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reading and Dreams

So the other night I had the strangest dream, first of you all you have to know that I rarely if ever remember any dreams that I have, so any dream that I do have I take quite seriously as to what it may mean. So if you have any insights please take the time to read this let me know.

So the dream begins and I get to a soccer game quite late, there is only a few minutes left on the game but I get put in on forward, and for some reason I am wearing a long necklace, with seashells and stuff, a lei from Hawaii that was given to me as a gift I actually own the article of jewelery. So I get on and with only a minute left someone on the far side crosses the ball in and I start to run in for the header, and Tori (one of the SL's here in Vancouver with me) is guarding me and to stop me from going in he grabs the lei and chokes me with it, and it holds me back from going anywhere. The ref who just happens to be Tanya (my site director) does not make any call, and I go off on her because I am so mad, and angry because there was no call on the play. Anyways game goes on I am still really angry and yelling at her when it's over.

After the game for some reason I have to go to Tanya's house, so I go there (this isn't here house in real life it is somewhere else) and she lives in this little apartment and I have to dial up from outside to get in. But inside around the dial there are literally dozens of birds flying around (for anyone that knows me, you know that I am terrified of birds, there I said it, it's not a secret, please do not use this information against me) so I start doing what I normally do in these situations to keep the birds away, I start clapping loudly, the birds fly away except for one. After a few more minutes of clapping and contemplating what to do, I bulk up the courage to just go and press the number. I am reaching in and... the bird bites my hand, now I am yelling at this bird which I am terrified of and now pissed off that it is biting my hand. And the bird will not let go of my hand, until... I wake up.

What does this even mean? Please help me out here, I have not a clue, and I am not ready to face my fear of birds. I must avoid this inevitability if that is what it is. \

On another note I sat outside in the sun this morning for about four hours reading a book/suntanning.

Good News --> Finished the book
Bad News --> Ryan is as burnt as ever, and is uncertain of his future going on as a normal looking human being.

Please support me in the dream troubles and my physical troubles, if you have any aloe vera it would be greatly appreciated during this time, also tips for fending off birds will be needed in the near future I am thinking. Thank you loyal readers.


Anonymous said...

It is truly a weird dream, I am as confused as you are. sorry im no help, and i can't help you with the burn either, because i just can't.

pray about it, (the dream i mean)

it could be nothing, but it also could be something. who knows.

Anonymous said...

you should spit on your sunburn... don't know if it helps but it sounds 'manly'....

-Josh Enns