Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some Insights

So today in Intern Class we talked about Re-Entry and having Culture Shock and all that stuff. For when we go back after a year away the different potential stages we will go through. And there is potential that you will start showing these signs before you leave already. Rumor has it I am beginning to enter Culture Shock approximately 3 months before I am leaving.

Some signs of this are: Separating myself from people that have drawn close to me, being angry for no particular reason, mocking the culture I am currently living in/going back to, daydreaming of home, and being unreasonably nasty towards life in general.

*I don't think I have shown any of these signs, but people are saying I am to convince me that I am going through the stages, If that makes any sense*

Some other things I found out about a few of my kids today in a game of "Would you rather?" and the "If" game

- Given the opportunity to spend the rest of their life at home or at Camp Grace, they would all choose Camp Grace
- If they could hang out with any Camp Grace person for a whole day, all the girls would choose Tanya, and all the boys would choose me.
- 66% of the kids would rather have no arms then no legs
- 85% of kids would rather be in a box being attacked by a Tiger then by a Shark
- All the kids would rather have their eyes fall out on occasion then have a magnetic head
- All the kids would rather fight a tiger then a lion
- If they could be any animal they would be either cats or dogs
- If they killed a grizzly bear 95% say their weapon would be a sword, other 5% say machine gun
- All the kids would rather shoot lazers out of their eyes uncontrollably then have scissors as hands

Feel free to leave your answers to those questions and see where you fit in. After recent findings, I sometimes wonder who actually reads my blog, so if you have never commented and you read this on occasion now would be a good time to do so. Peace out.


Anonymous said...

I would rather
Spend the rest of my life at home,hang out with tanya (hehehehe)
have no legs, get attacked by a shark, have megnetic head ( id be a metal head) plus i could wrap my head in lead and cancel the magnatic field.
I would want to fight a tiger
I would want to be a see otter
i would use my bare handsto kill the bear.
deffinatly lazers

Anonymous said...

66% would rather have no arms, eh? I'm definitely in the other 34%.

AKH said...

ummm i read it.
and i think that the kids you hang out with sound amazing and hilarious. enjoy the rest of your time.
oh and good luck with that "culture shock"