Saturday, December 19, 2009


So today I had the best idea of all time! You will all be really happy to hear about this. Even though I know that no one would actually go for this idea, I still think it is a winner. Here it is!

So everyone in their lifetime at one point or another has been speeding while driving their car. And everybody wants to go faster but they don't want the ticket, plus it is the law to follow the speed limit. But I thought of an invention to stop people from speeding. Somehow with the amazing technology that we have here in this country we make a function on the car so that as soon as you start speeding (or are above say 10 over) all of the heat, AC and radio turn off. So you can still speed but at the consequence of no radio or heat or AC and I know in Winnipeg if it is between a freezing car or being a bit late for something I would for sure just go late so that I get some heat in my car. Anyways just a thought. Tell me what you think.

Now obviously no one would ever want this. But perhaps a responsible person might enjoy a friendly reminder to follow the law here and there.

Better yet actually if you speed your horn starts going off non-stop, then everyone will know who you are and cops will find you so easily. Man that is so sick .

1 comment:

mannygoossen said...

HAHA! ...but what if you get caught or are late going to a wedding... ;)