Sunday, December 20, 2009


So today I was a little bit late getting to church and it was pretty full when we got there, so we asked the usher to see if knows where some seats are. And I am absolutely positive that ushers just thrive on this. If I was an usher and I see someone get in late these are for sure my exact thoughts.

Late Comers : "Do you know of any seats?"
Usher: "Ya follow me" (Thought in Head: Oh I am going to show them not to ever be late for church again.. Haha. Ya right to the front with those heathens. Think they can come to church and just slip in without being noticed. No way my friend, they are for sure going to hear this sermon, ya, they need Jesus the most.)

And it doesn't just stop at the ushers, it's everyone you walk past too. As they all watch you go up and place judgement upon your tardiness.

I'm just saying you know that when it comes time for coffee no one is going to be trying to associate with you and become your new best friend.