Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just say Yes

You know sometimes you are trying to figure out what to do, and everyone and their dog has a different opinion of what you should be doing. And what they think "the right choice" is. Finally you make the decision, which you know is the right choice. But then still everyone and their cat has a reason why you made the wrong choice.

But you are so positive that you made the right choice, and you can feel it and everything points to it, then you explain to people how clear the right choice was... and they still don't get it.

How come people just don't get it?


debs. said...

STORY OF MY LIFE....yes I meant the caps

Anonymous said...

don't worry ryan, Me and my GORILLA which by the way could crush any dog or cat or person too i guess. think that you made a sweet-awsome-uber-tubular-tots rad-totally gnarly-cool decision.

Think about your saying yes to staying in BC like dwights Purple belt.

its not a toy, it is a message to the entire office so that everyone can see I can physically dominate them.

doesn't really apply o your situation but im sure your tough.

just keep doing what you do man. thats all you need to do.