Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Some Poetry

Yesterday I was in school with the kids and they were doing poetry, and I felt inclined to write a few poems of my own. And you can feel free to read and critique them, also if you would be interested in buying a full book of poetry by Ryan Malech you can place your order today.

Morning again
I open my front door.
A reminder I am still in Vancouver,
My heart sinks lower as rain falls further into the mud.
Another soggy morning,
nothing new.
A change would be nice.
Sun is preferred but never expected.
Welcome here... Rain.

The Biggest
The BIGGEST and the Greatest
One in the same really.
I was never the tallest,
but I tried the hardest.
Never finished first,
but always cheered the loudest.
My stature was not huge,
nor big or overwhelming.
But big is on the inside,
my Heart gives a constant pounding.

So that is what I came up with please share your thoughts, perhaps in a poem of your own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Most enjoyable
Great quality
Most excellent
Deffinately not quantity
Tried writing a poem
Stinks is what happened
Read Ryan malechs
thinks......"That just happened"