Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bingo Fun

My friend wrote an excellent blog on the percentages of what makes up ac actual bingo experience. And I felt like I needed to share it with more people so that they can also enjoy the fun that is bingo. So here it is:

The Percentages of Bingo Fun

50% is in the dabbing. whether it be a slam dab, a roll dab, gentle dab, or your common dab. It doesn't have to be a useful dab. Just a dab.

the other 50% is in the friendship. heres how it breaks down.

10% is saying OHHH 69 after O 69 is called.

12 % is during intermission where you can go get McD's or go get 2 free Hot chocolates.

9 % is sharing the common feeling of nervousness knowing that no matter how close you are to winning bingo there is someone out there who is one number closer than you.

another 9 % is laughing and talking in between and during the bingo session.

2 % is clapping for other bingo winners. even if you don't know them.

5 % is the amount of money you all put in to have 2 hours of fun (5$), and the possibility of 50$ or 13,000$ if you win full house in 50#'s or less.

1 % laughing at people who call bingo and then realize they made a mistake.

and the last 2 % anticipating with friends the next time you will play bingo together again.

that is what bingo is all about.

1 comment:

Josh Dyck said...

ryan if you add up the percentages it equals 50. you should go back to applied math and brush up on your mental math. 160% isn't good enough