Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recent Events

As I am doing some homework I remember that I saw some things the past few days that made me want to make another post about people.

First thought: There is a girl who sits in front of me in my Business class, and she sits there copying and pasting the notes from the internet into a word document. Once she has copied all the notes, she will open up MSN messenger and chat it up all class with a big grin on her face as if she is chatting with her crush. Good work, but seriously grow up a bit and just don't come to class. Also a tip you can save some time and just save the whole Power Point show as opposed to copying and pasting the whole thing it will save you a lot of time.

Second thought: It is not attractive when girls swear. I am sure lots of girls will read this and say it is not attractive when guys swear either. So there we go it is not attractive when people swear, so we should all not do it. Obviously I am being a hypocrite to write this, but seriously if it is not attractive to anyone why do people do it? To be cool? If that is the case that is really too bad. Maybe it is because we are angry? Fair enough, but if that is the case there are a lot of people who are wrongfully angry. I wasn't sure if I was going to even write that one but I decided I would.

That's all for now, feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, also you should all watch my video on youtube if you haven't yet.


Anonymous said...

what vid?


Ryan said...

aerobics vid.

Nathan said...

"It is not attractive when girls swear"

Amen. Haha.

I think people swear because they lack the vocabulary so they can only use the few words they know =D

debs... said...

Dude if you ask peeps to watch your vid one more time I'm going to effing freak (u like the way I swore there!!).

matt wall said...

I think its hot when girls swear. especially when they use....

...never mind