Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Aftermath

So last weekend I was in Toronto as many of you know I am sure, and it was amazing, so many really good speakers and lots of things to think about. So I am going to try my best to put my thoughts into writing without making no sense at all, I really wish that I would have taken notes during the speakers that way I do not have to fully rely on memory.

First my thoughts on worship for the whole event. Starfield was the band that was leading worship for the weekend, and even though they have worked their way up the ladder to become a very successful christian band, I really was not that impressed with them. My main problem is that the reason they were there was to lead us in worship and NOT to put on a show, there was no reason for them to be trying to pump up the crowd, or to be echoing lines and trying to make the songs their own with strange echoing and stuff, they were there to lead us in worship. Also I do not know whose idea it was to have the lights flashing all over the place while in worship. I thought turning the lights to the crowd and having them all over and different colors was once again completely contradictory to the idea of worship rather then putting on a show, so whether it was Starfields idea or the Conference it was a bad one.

For the speakers, first of all was Shane Claiborne, and he was simply amazing. To put it simply he is the definition of a modern day radical. If anyone has not read his book Irrisistable Revolution I suggest that you go find it and read it right away, I have never felt so convicted after a speaker as I did when he spoke. It really enforced my thoughts that I really feel like I need to be doing something with my life that is more worthwhile, and I feel like I am back on the road to figure out what that something is, I can not continue going through life just going through the motions and not doing anything. One thing that he said that really stuck out to me, "What if Jesus meant what he said, and we actually took him seriously?" Imagine if that actually happened, he also stated a few facts from a survey on what people thought of Christians, and the top three results were 1. Judgemental 2. Hypocritical 3. I can't remember, but it was also nothing that I want people to think of me. Anyways that is something that really stuck out to me, and has made me really think about what I should be doing to make a difference.

Some other thoughts that I had through out the weekend, are about things that I hate that Christians say when addressed about issues going on around them, and I hope that I do not become that way. Two answers I hate hearing to anything. 1. "I don't think we are all called to do that." 2. I don't think it really matters, we are just called to love people anyways." For the first one, I think that is absolutely ridiculous, if we as Christians say that we are trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, but then don't think we are all called to do some of the things he says then who is it meant for. When Jesus said to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help out the poor he was talking to all of us, not just some of us. We can not just go through living our perfect lives thinking that some things just aren't for everyone. I think that is part of the reason why people think Christians are hypocritical, because we say we follow Jesus but then we lack to do what he says, obviously we are all going to make mistakes, but if we are not even attempting or worse yet ignoring what we are called to do, that just makes it even worse.

For number 2, although I believe that loving people is an important thing to do, I still feel like people should have an opinion. I feel like when people say something doesn't matter they are just sitting on the fence. To me I don't think all Christians need to think the same on all issues, but seriously have an opinion. When people are saying they don't think it matters it makes them seem apathetic to what is going on around them, when we should be striving to make a difference, we are supposed to be trying to be everyday radicals, and if we are not taking a stand for something, and just deciding that it doesn't matter. I think when it comes to important issues and debates we should have an opnion of more then we think it doesn't matter.

Anyways those are some thoughts that I have right now, obviously again I am being a hypocrit writing these thoughts, when obviously I am failing to fulfill everything that I think Christians should be doing, but it starts with me and I am hoping to start with changing myself and we will see how it goes from there.


kristin said...

Preach it, Pastor Ryan.

Seriously, it's great you had such an awesome, life-prodding experience. Keep on it. Can't wait to hear how you're going to change the world.

debs... said...

Love it bro.

You bring up good points and it's awesome you feel so challenged and motivated to beat the system. Just try to remember how you're feeling RIGHT NOW

Josh Dyck said...

I have to slightly disagree with your number one. If all christians listend to what jesus said when he said to sell all of your things and follow him it would get us no where. how could we help people then if we had nothing to give them. I agree that christians should not be doing nothing but you need to remember that every christian is called to something different. for some its missions. for some its supporting missionaries.

just something to think about.

Nathan said...

Alot of modern more contemporary worship is somewhat like that nowadays. There's an annual youth conference here in Edmonton and whoever leads worship for the weekend usually has these "lighting effects" and whatever "putting on a show" kind of signs as well. I do think its sometimes distracting but if we really are worshipping, it shouldn't mean too much other than, i guess, sorta "enhancing" the worship experience..

But overall, sweet stuff =D