Monday, December 22, 2008

Today at work I once again got to spend a few hours on my own in a room packaging boxes, and when I do this mindless work that I really do not have to think about at all is when I have my best insights. Well maybe they suck, but at the time they seem worthy of a good blog posting. So here is what I was thinking of about 8 hours ago, so hopefully I have my thoughts all sorted properly and don't forget much.

I think that it is too bad that it is more about who you know then what you know, and also it is too bad that who you know may in fact be valued more then your actual character. Imagine this situation, you go away to university and are living on your own "trying to figure life out" and along the way you like 95% of all university students become a partying type of person. And you meet your new drinking buddy and become good friends, you go over to that friends house one day to find out that their parent is a businessman. How convenient! You are also in business and you decide that it is time to get your foot in the door. The parent is deceived into thinking that you are a good kid and will never find out from their own child that you are really only at school to party, and they would never give you in because they would have to reveal to their parent that they themselves don't care about school and are just their to party. So you continue your way through school barely passing and you finally graduate with your degree and because of that relationship you now have a good job for your life. Nice, you deceived your way into a good position. You have questionable work ethic and integrity, but they don't know that they think you are a good kid. Well Done!

So that is what I was thinking about today, really it doesn't matter what you know but who you know, so you should all drop out of school and just go looking for people in important positions do all their dirty work and then you get their job. So now I know the people you meet in university are more important then the knowledge you gain, because you can use those people to get where you want to.

That is once again another very tongue and cheek blog entry from yours truly.


Josh Dyck said...

you seem to be getting more and more pesimistic

Anonymous said...

this was a beaute