Saturday, December 27, 2008

Big Night tonight, Dad is coming to Bingo, and I am sure he is going to enjoy the event. Which gave me another idea. With our FNBC, we should have a bring your parents to Bingo night, everyone who goes who tells their parents that they are going to play Bingo must think that they are out of their mind so why not take them along so they can join in the fun. Also all parents want to be apart of their kids lives, so why not make it cool to hang out with all your friends with all your parents around. It would be good times I am sure.

Also tomorrow the Dallas Cowboys have a big game vs. Philadelphia Eagles. A win and we are in. Also I get to sport my new Marion Barber jersey for the game, so me having the jersey will probably be a sure ticket to the Super Bowl, although win or lose if they fired Wade Phillips I would not be all that upset.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time for Wade to get outta Dallas