Monday, December 15, 2008

Last Exam

So today I am going to go to the University of Winnipeg to write my last exam there ever. Yes that is right I plan to never go back there as a student because I just did not like it there. Their front desk people were incredibly rude and not helpful, their student services section is a joke that does nothing at all, and I am pretty sure that I have nothing in common with anyone there. So I pretty much hated it and hope that I never have to go back. So fare thee well U of W, hopefully because of this blog post I deter several people from going to school there, and thus eventually force you into a premature closing, because a far superior school has put you out of business.

Next up for me is Providence College, but who knows whether I will actually like it there or not, I mean I always said I would never go there either.... Maybe school is just not my thing.

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