Saturday, December 13, 2008

Letting Ourselves Down

I think that we are all letting ourselves down, and other people are forcing us to do so.

As I sit here studying and thinking to myself what a big waste of time this past year of school was and how many people are constantly going through school for no other reason then because they think that is what they have to do. There is seriously a problem with this, why do employers think that because someone went to university they are a better person, or going to university gives the impression that you care more about your future or that you are taking life more seriously. Nearly every person that I met at university this year does not give a damn about furthering their education, they are there so they can find new people to get drunk with next weekend. If you ask me the people that are not going to school are taking life way more seriously because they are trying to figure it out on their own.

Also people are always coming up with new ideas and stuff they want to do so that they can make a difference or so they can make things better somehow. And then they tell someone the idea they have and that someone else will be like I don't know that's pretty risky, probably not a good idea. Then they give in and stop trying to think for themselves. People should stop doing things the "normal" way, start thinking for yourselves and do something different then everyone tells you to, if someone tells you your idea sucks try it anyways so at least you can find out for yourself.

Song of the day. Less is More - Relient K


Josh Dyck said...

less is more my friend. we will order our t-ees soon.

matt wall said...

4 years of college didn't prepare me for anything. If anything it made me a worse person. But like you said, peeps need a piece of paper to know your legit. It sucks, but what can you do?

I agree with following through with your ideas. Most everyone in this world doesn't take risks, and they end up with a mediocre and boring life. The people who change the world decide not to listen to the people who say it isn't possible.

Who cares if it isn't possible? So you could fail, is that the worst thing in the world?

After reading this post i'm ready to follow through with my idea for a airline for smokers and pets.

Nathan said...

so true. with you 100% on this one man.