Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

So after the last post that I wrote and other people prompted me to think about what I am doing I tried to decide if I should write a post back for everyone about what I am doing or trying to do in response to the readings, but I didn't think that was the best idea. But after thinking about what other people wrote and what I am doing I came to the answer "Not Enough". I think that a lot of other people often come to that same response when they have an idea and people call them out on it. But I am trying not to use that as an excuse but as a motivation.

On another note but somewhat similar I was chatting with someone and they came to the conclusion that unless you are fully living what you think you should not be telling other people about it. But then nothing would happen and no one would be sharing any of their ideas, no matter what ideas or principles we are trying to live by we are never fully living up to them. Anyways, I feel like I didn't word that properly, but hopefully ya'll get what I mean.

Also a few of you may have remembered a while back that I said I was opening the floor for other people to give me subject ideas or stories to write, and there was only one entry, so you know who you are and you won! And they suggested I write about walking in a crowded hallway. I am sure this is something we can all relate to, imagine this scenario...

Your walking in a crowded hallway and you can see a small path towards exactly where you need to be, so you start on this tough trek. A few steps in you see someone else coming the other way, also using the only path towards their exit from the crowd. They are completely unavoidable but you need to use this path, finally you get to each other and it is the awkward "Oh dear which way are you gonna step," situation. Of course no one says anything to the other because that would just make the situation more weird. You both step to the same side, still blocked, and the side step the other way, this continues to happen for perhaps even five steps, finally someone allows the other to go past and somehow you still bump shoulders. You utter to yourself "That was awkward," but they heard you, making the situation even worse.

Congratulations to the winner/only contestant, maybe next time I have a contest there will be a prize better then you get your thoughts posted. Also feel free to present yourself however you feel led.

PS: I would like to hope that if I wrote a blog about child labour being a good thing, that I would get as many replies as I did when I wrote about animal rights being ridiculous. Unfortunately I doubt that would be the case. I don't think child labour is a good thing by the way.

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