Friday, January 9, 2009


So I realized today that Sociology is going to give me lots to blog about probably, and today my prof said something that I have been trying to put into words but have never been able to say it properly. So somehow we got onto the topic of people having money, and how a CEO will make more money then other workers below them and potentially are doing less. And then it somehow got us to the topic of offering and them having money to give for God's work. While talking about offering my prof says, "Unfortunately a lot of people think once they have put their money in the plate their job is done." And that is exactly my thoughts on offering, good to give, but I would say better to do something.

Also I realized today in class how funny all people are, I mean including myself in this, whenever I make generalizations I try to include myself in the generalization because obviously I need to change as well. But out prof is talking about stats and numbers and stuff and how if we put all the money we put into pet care into feeding people without food there is enough money for everyone in the world to eat. And other stats about how North America uses however many percent of the worlds resources, and has the majority of the wealth. And people hear this and they are in disbelief of this "American" culture of greed and how much we could change. Seriously when they say stats about America chances are we are in the same boat after all we are pretty much "Northern America". However people hear this and think I can not believe people. Well surprise for you, You and me we are those people. So I think before we go preaching this stuff to motivate people how they are being greedy and need to reevaluate we should just start at ourselves, because we can only change ourselves. Like my dad says when I talk about weighing a few too many pounds, "There is only one person that can change that"

On another note when people talk about their job and they laugh and say "But obviously I am not here for the money." Trying to imply they don't make as much as they should in a light-hearted way, they probably are there for the money. However if they say it seriously, then they probably speak the truth.


Anonymous said...

I am definitely at my job for the money.
~Andrea W.

Anonymous said...

What about plastic surgery/liposuction for the weight?.. at least that is the route north America is taking to change.. we don't have to change ourselves if we create methods to "fix the problem" with very little personal change required. just a lot of resources.We've managed to do it so far though.

-fellow science experiment partner (mmm peanut butter and mechanical toothbrushes)