Saturday, March 21, 2009


So usually when people talk about having a filter they mean they want to not swear in front of certain people, or not make inappropriate comments in the wrong situation. That is not the type of filter I am talking about, I have no problem with the amount of swearing I do or the inappropriate comments I make in front of people... haha. The filter I need to work on is not saying dumb things, I don't mean like asking a question with an obvious answer. What I mean is... well it's hard to explain so let me present you with a scenario. 

You are standing around with a group of your friends, just having a good time, everyone is joking around about whatever the topic of the day is. Then all of a sudden someone makes a joke where they themselves are the prime target. Now at first everyone laughs along, but then there is this awkward pause where people think... Hey that might actually be true about him. And I am... I mean the person is thinking "Why did I just say that?" You may have figured out by now that person making the joke is me.

So the question for all of you is, "Is it worth the cheap laugh to make fun of yourself even though people might think your 'joke' is actually a truth?"

Also there is no way you can keep that up.

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