Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So lately I have been battling a deathly illness known as the common cold. And of course that means your typical coughing, stuffy nose, being totally congested feeling and sore throat. But I would like to address this post specifically to the stuffy nose.

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to run out of mucus (snot) in your nose? Seriously I have been blowing my nose several times a day sometimes for several minutes on end without my nose feeling like it has been cleared up for longer then then like 5 minutes. It makes me think how have I not gotten rid of all the possible mucus in my body by now. It is absolutely ridiculous. If it is not possible to run out of mucus is it actually essential to have so that you may live, if I not I say we develop a drug to eliminate all mucus from the body, thus we would solve the problem of the common cold, and people would love the seasons changing so much more. Although apparently in Winnipeg the seasons only pretend to change until it snows two days later.

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