Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Fact about me for the day is that I enjoy a good argument/debate. Probably debate is a better word, argument generally implies that someone is wrong, debate I would say implies that there is neither a right nor wrong side just the people involved have differing opinions. Since I am never wrong and it is not wise to argue with someone who is not as smart as you since there is everything to lose for you, I prefer debates. Haha just kidding I'm not never wrong, however I am always right (Ok stop with the lame jokes Ryan). 

But seriously I enjoy a good debate, and will sometimes take the opposite side if everyone is on the same side of an opinion because I firmly believe that you probably don't really know what you think if you have only ever talked about the matter with people who agree with you. I mean if your whole life everything around you thinks the same as you, you will never actually be truly challenged to find out what you really think. So sometimes I start arguments on the side that I don't agree with just because I know it is the less popular side, and then when I all of a sudden "switch" sides at the end you feel like you have won, but really I agreed with you the whole time, at least you know what you think now. 


Anonymous said...


debs. said...

I have a friend here exactly like that. EXACTLY. We 'debate' all the time but its awesome! He doesnt wind me up as much as you used to haha