Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So I never consider myself someone who watches much TV, however I am very select in the shows that I watch, other then religiously placing myself on the couch every Sunday to watch football for as long as I possibly can there are very few shows that I watch, but there are three of them, and they are. 

3. Flight of the Conchords
2. Arrested Development (although it was cancelled after three seasons I am still hoping for a movie)
1. The Office (All-time fave)

Fact, I will almost never go to sleep without watching an episode of the office before I go to bed. 
Fact, I try to say "That's what she said" at least twice everyday. 
Fact, my favorite episode of the office is "The Fire" episode, not sure why, but that was the one that really got me into the show, I'm not sure if it was the desert island game, or who would you do that drew me in. 

Last year for my birthday I realized I shared my birthday with a dog whom I did not really appreciate, (not just that dog, I don't really care for animals in general) and i thought it would be so funny if all day they celebrated the dogs birthday and forgot about mine, and then at the end of the day someone would find out it was my birthday and want to say something, but I insist they didn't. Several reasons this is funny: 

1. Obviously this happened in an episode of the office when Micheal has a surprise b-day party for Meredith and her birthday is a month away and it was Ryan's birthday that day.
2. At the time I was Ryan the Intern, and this situation happened to Ryan the Inter. 

Anyways, maybe one day this will actually happen, however I am expecting birthday wishes from people regardless.


1 comment:

Josh Dyck said...

i might have to forget your birthday now.