Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nearly New Years
My first thoughts are on the Dallas Cowboys "North Americas Team", and how truly disappointed I am with their late season collapse in a year where it was Super Bowl or bust. And clearly no playoff spot is a bust. Honestly they need to get rid of Wade Phillips, although he has had a few good seasons, the other day in the third quarter when it was 4'th and Inches and Phillips sent on the punt team and Romo waved them off not running the coaches play and doing his own thing, it was clear to me that Phillips is not running that team. With a team like the Cowboys where they have so many superstar players, TO, Romo, Roy Williams, Jason Witten, Marion Barber, just to name a few, they need a coach that will stand his ground and clearly have control of the team.
I say take Mike Shannon after the Broncos fired him, he is a coach that is in charge. I know Jerry Jones says he is not getting rid of Phillips, but Jerry Jones says a lot of things, so I wouldn't worry about it, Phillips days in Dallas are numbered, weather it be this off season they lose him, or after the first loss of the season. I say sooner rather than later so they have more options.
Anyways for those of you that read my blog that don't care at all about football and just read this, thanks for being so devoted.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Also tomorrow the Dallas Cowboys have a big game vs. Philadelphia Eagles. A win and we are in. Also I get to sport my new Marion Barber jersey for the game, so me having the jersey will probably be a sure ticket to the Super Bowl, although win or lose if they fired Wade Phillips I would not be all that upset.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I think that it is too bad that it is more about who you know then what you know, and also it is too bad that who you know may in fact be valued more then your actual character. Imagine this situation, you go away to university and are living on your own "trying to figure life out" and along the way you like 95% of all university students become a partying type of person. And you meet your new drinking buddy and become good friends, you go over to that friends house one day to find out that their parent is a businessman. How convenient! You are also in business and you decide that it is time to get your foot in the door. The parent is deceived into thinking that you are a good kid and will never find out from their own child that you are really only at school to party, and they would never give you in because they would have to reveal to their parent that they themselves don't care about school and are just their to party. So you continue your way through school barely passing and you finally graduate with your degree and because of that relationship you now have a good job for your life. Nice, you deceived your way into a good position. You have questionable work ethic and integrity, but they don't know that they think you are a good kid. Well Done!
So that is what I was thinking about today, really it doesn't matter what you know but who you know, so you should all drop out of school and just go looking for people in important positions do all their dirty work and then you get their job. So now I know the people you meet in university are more important then the knowledge you gain, because you can use those people to get where you want to.
That is once again another very tongue and cheek blog entry from yours truly.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So Sorry,
Please accept my apology.
In my rants of unhappiness with people I have forgotten that there are people that are doing their part to make things as best they can, and to help other people out. Just because it may not always be seen does not mean it is not done.
"(1) Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in Heaven. (2) So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. (3) But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (4) so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. "
- Matthew 6:1-4
Ironic posting something like that for others to see.
On another note I finally got a tuner for my acoustic guitar and have loved playing it so much lately, I have looked forward to getting home just so that I can "jam" for a bit on my own. Good times.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Best Advertising Ever?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Last Exam
Next up for me is Providence College, but who knows whether I will actually like it there or not, I mean I always said I would never go there either.... Maybe school is just not my thing.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Letting Ourselves Down
As I sit here studying and thinking to myself what a big waste of time this past year of school was and how many people are constantly going through school for no other reason then because they think that is what they have to do. There is seriously a problem with this, why do employers think that because someone went to university they are a better person, or going to university gives the impression that you care more about your future or that you are taking life more seriously. Nearly every person that I met at university this year does not give a damn about furthering their education, they are there so they can find new people to get drunk with next weekend. If you ask me the people that are not going to school are taking life way more seriously because they are trying to figure it out on their own.
Also people are always coming up with new ideas and stuff they want to do so that they can make a difference or so they can make things better somehow. And then they tell someone the idea they have and that someone else will be like I don't know that's pretty risky, probably not a good idea. Then they give in and stop trying to think for themselves. People should stop doing things the "normal" way, start thinking for yourselves and do something different then everyone tells you to, if someone tells you your idea sucks try it anyways so at least you can find out for yourself.
Song of the day. Less is More - Relient K
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Aftermath
First my thoughts on worship for the whole event. Starfield was the band that was leading worship for the weekend, and even though they have worked their way up the ladder to become a very successful christian band, I really was not that impressed with them. My main problem is that the reason they were there was to lead us in worship and NOT to put on a show, there was no reason for them to be trying to pump up the crowd, or to be echoing lines and trying to make the songs their own with strange echoing and stuff, they were there to lead us in worship. Also I do not know whose idea it was to have the lights flashing all over the place while in worship. I thought turning the lights to the crowd and having them all over and different colors was once again completely contradictory to the idea of worship rather then putting on a show, so whether it was Starfields idea or the Conference it was a bad one.
For the speakers, first of all was Shane Claiborne, and he was simply amazing. To put it simply he is the definition of a modern day radical. If anyone has not read his book Irrisistable Revolution I suggest that you go find it and read it right away, I have never felt so convicted after a speaker as I did when he spoke. It really enforced my thoughts that I really feel like I need to be doing something with my life that is more worthwhile, and I feel like I am back on the road to figure out what that something is, I can not continue going through life just going through the motions and not doing anything. One thing that he said that really stuck out to me, "What if Jesus meant what he said, and we actually took him seriously?" Imagine if that actually happened, he also stated a few facts from a survey on what people thought of Christians, and the top three results were 1. Judgemental 2. Hypocritical 3. I can't remember, but it was also nothing that I want people to think of me. Anyways that is something that really stuck out to me, and has made me really think about what I should be doing to make a difference.
Some other thoughts that I had through out the weekend, are about things that I hate that Christians say when addressed about issues going on around them, and I hope that I do not become that way. Two answers I hate hearing to anything. 1. "I don't think we are all called to do that." 2. I don't think it really matters, we are just called to love people anyways." For the first one, I think that is absolutely ridiculous, if we as Christians say that we are trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, but then don't think we are all called to do some of the things he says then who is it meant for. When Jesus said to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help out the poor he was talking to all of us, not just some of us. We can not just go through living our perfect lives thinking that some things just aren't for everyone. I think that is part of the reason why people think Christians are hypocritical, because we say we follow Jesus but then we lack to do what he says, obviously we are all going to make mistakes, but if we are not even attempting or worse yet ignoring what we are called to do, that just makes it even worse.
For number 2, although I believe that loving people is an important thing to do, I still feel like people should have an opinion. I feel like when people say something doesn't matter they are just sitting on the fence. To me I don't think all Christians need to think the same on all issues, but seriously have an opinion. When people are saying they don't think it matters it makes them seem apathetic to what is going on around them, when we should be striving to make a difference, we are supposed to be trying to be everyday radicals, and if we are not taking a stand for something, and just deciding that it doesn't matter. I think when it comes to important issues and debates we should have an opnion of more then we think it doesn't matter.
Anyways those are some thoughts that I have right now, obviously again I am being a hypocrit writing these thoughts, when obviously I am failing to fulfill everything that I think Christians should be doing, but it starts with me and I am hoping to start with changing myself and we will see how it goes from there.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Anyways, I am pretty pumped to see Shane Claiborne speak, I am sure it will be really good. Also hopefully I will get a chance to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame and maybe even MTV if there is some time or something.
I am just sitting up late thinking about packing up my stuff now which I have yet to do, and I am just not ready to sleep yet, so I decided to not only waste my own time by sitting here doing nothing but writing a blog, but I also decided to waste all of your time reading this, sorry to do so.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Bingo Fun
The Percentages of Bingo Fun
50% is in the dabbing. whether it be a slam dab, a roll dab, gentle dab, or your common dab. It doesn't have to be a useful dab. Just a dab.
the other 50% is in the friendship. heres how it breaks down.
10% is saying OHHH 69 after O 69 is called.
12 % is during intermission where you can go get McD's or go get 2 free Hot chocolates.
9 % is sharing the common feeling of nervousness knowing that no matter how close you are to winning bingo there is someone out there who is one number closer than you.
another 9 % is laughing and talking in between and during the bingo session.
2 % is clapping for other bingo winners. even if you don't know them.
5 % is the amount of money you all put in to have 2 hours of fun (5$), and the possibility of 50$ or 13,000$ if you win full house in 50#'s or less.
1 % laughing at people who call bingo and then realize they made a mistake.
and the last 2 % anticipating with friends the next time you will play bingo together again.
that is what bingo is all about.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Working Life
Also the grade nine boys I am coaching are in the league finals this Saturday which is going to be awesome. After a solid showing in the semi finals I am looking forward to see what they do in the finals. It is going to be a big day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Champions of the World
Friday, November 21, 2008
So I am playing volleyball and I was under the impression that we were playing a nice little best of 5 match, so after the 4 set we had won 3 to 1, and the other coach walks by and says, "We have time to play two more probably." So we are about to start a fifth set to 25 points in which there have been no timeouts, and for a person of my stature playing a position where I jump to set every ball, and then jump to block in the front row, and then sometimes even jump in joy after a big point this I am quite tired. I go back to serve the first ball, and coach says "You tired Ryan?" (There is no sub for me either way) "No, what's that?" I said back, as I am saying this I bounce the ball for my serve and it hits my foot and rolls away... Nice, that was embarrassing.
I know pretty lame story, pretty lame life, well whatever, no big deal but we still won 2 more sets in a row. Again no one cares, alright well that's my life.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
On another note, today I did a little presentation in my English class, and I once again made a reference to the office that no one understood or found funny. This is how it went, I walk up to the front and inform everyone that I am not going to be using any fancy technology... because Technology gets you into a lake. If anyone catches that reference that would be great.
Also I just got a call from River City Sports and I have a job interview. Good Work Ryan!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Recent Events
First thought: There is a girl who sits in front of me in my Business class, and she sits there copying and pasting the notes from the internet into a word document. Once she has copied all the notes, she will open up MSN messenger and chat it up all class with a big grin on her face as if she is chatting with her crush. Good work, but seriously grow up a bit and just don't come to class. Also a tip you can save some time and just save the whole Power Point show as opposed to copying and pasting the whole thing it will save you a lot of time.
Second thought: It is not attractive when girls swear. I am sure lots of girls will read this and say it is not attractive when guys swear either. So there we go it is not attractive when people swear, so we should all not do it. Obviously I am being a hypocrite to write this, but seriously if it is not attractive to anyone why do people do it? To be cool? If that is the case that is really too bad. Maybe it is because we are angry? Fair enough, but if that is the case there are a lot of people who are wrongfully angry. I wasn't sure if I was going to even write that one but I decided I would.
That's all for now, feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, also you should all watch my video on youtube if you haven't yet.
Monday, November 17, 2008
No Shave
Also today in class someone did a presentation on Sexual Harassment and if anyone that reads this knows me, you know that naturally that will remind me of an episode of The Office. And the whole presentation which was only five minutes anyways I was just hoping for an opportunity to say "That's what she said.." unfortunately sometimes things that you want to come up just don't (That's what she said).
Also I just set up wireless internet in my house so I have no reason not to be able to update my blog more often, since I know most of you check everyday for an update. Not that I had an reason not to before, anyways life is good, I am pumped to go to Providence next semester, and I am looking forward to going to Toronto in December. Should be good times.
Also watch my youtube video if you have not already it is called Camp Grace Aerobics, and I am nearly at 1000 views, which would in my mind make me a youtube legend. Also if no one else watches I will personally watch it however many more times it takes to get me to that 1000 views.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Just Wondering
I am just saying who gives the cops tickets when they speed, and even if they are pulled over in their personal car they can probably just write it off anyways. How lame is that? I just think I should have the right to pull them over and let them know that even though I am apparently not capable of following the law without their help that they are actually not capable of following the law either.
Anyways I am just glad the best citizens are the cops, because clearly they are the most capable of following the law so that makes them allowed to hold it against others. I think that cops should be chosen based on a clean criminal record, you know like you are a good person so they come and are like hey, you do a lot of good things, you are ethical and moral, you can enforce that others do the same.
Monday, October 27, 2008
For some weird reason I am really looking forward to Halloween, I still have no idea what I am doing or where I am going but I know who I am being and that is what matters most. My costume will astonish everyone, and I will let you all know what I will be on Halloween day itself. Hopefully this will catch everyone in suspense and bring up back to read my blog once again.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Too late
Life has been pretty good so far I must say, you know I realized it feels so good to walk out of a test knowing that you owned it. Getting a paper back with an A on it, seriously one of the best feelings that I have encountered I would encourage everyone to strive towards that goal.
Unfortunately operation weight loss took a bit of a hit this past weekend due to thanksgiving, which was two turkey meals, and then for my sisters birthday celebration luncheon we went to applebees and it turns out that they have all you can eat chicken fingers there. Which were delish. I play to persevere though I have played volleyball the past few days, and plan to continue running on the off days, so I look forward to seeing some results, I have decided to make the picture tracking a no go.
Anyways I must be off, but before I go tomorrow and my sisters real birthday, so Happy Birthday! I know she doesn't read this but maybe she will stumble accross this entry.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Operation Lose Weight
And I invite you all to join with me, in my fight against obesity. I was thinking of having a daily photo shoot to see my process however if there is no process made that would simply be embarrassing.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The best thing that has happened lately is that The Office started again, now you may read this and think "Man Ryan you must have a pretty horrible life", however that is not true I just really love The Office and my life is still pretty good, I just missed it that much. Also I had my coaching debut today, and it was alright, can't complain to much I mean first tournament of the year, and there is room for improvement of course, but I am very excited for what this team can do. I was very impressed, there were huge strides take throughout the tournament.
I completed my first university assignment tonight even though it is not due until Monday, ya that's right two days before it is due I am done already. I am pretty pumped about that. Also tonight I am going to play bingo again, hopefully there will be some good luck tonight.
There was something else that I meant to write about but completely forget and it was the main reason I was posting, that is too bad you are all missing out on the most groundbreaking news probably, oh well hopefully for you I will remember for next time.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Keener - Fairly self-explanatory, first one into class and last one out, sits in the front row, generally a nice person overall.
Question Guy - Self-explanatory again, always has a question about everything the teacher says. No matter how simple the statement he has a question about it. You may find yourself looking around after he asks that thinking to your self, "you have to be kidding me."
Comment Guy - Similar to question guy, but just has a comment, not a small snicker to a friend though, this is always a comment for the whole class.
Tim Horton's Guy - Always walks into class late, and you will rarely if ever see him without that large double-double in his hand. Also uses the coffee as an excuse for having too much energy. Using phrases like "Shouldn't have had coffee this morning." YOU HAVE COFFEE EVERY MORNING!
Talking Friends - This is a new generation of people for me that I need a new name for, they come into class a little early always sitting next to each other, they are the only ones that know each other, thus they are the only ones talking. Often making comments "Why is it so quiet that is so awkward." They are very proud of having someone to talk to. I am going to take a stab and say chances are they were not very popular in high school and enjoy everyone listening to them speak.
Will do anything for a Girlfriend Guy - This guy attempts to make small talk with every single girl in the class. Finally when a girl shows interest he clings to her like white on rice. Eventually he hears he has a boyfriend and he is left looking again.
Jack Black Guy - I can't think of any other way to describe him, a little bit chubby but still wears tight shirts and tight pants. Has long hair and gives off the impression that he is going to stick it to the man. Does not care much about what other people think. Mad Props.
Club Girl - Was at every club every night, at least you would think so. Always has stories after the weekend about how boring the club was so she just needed another drink, but then she left to another club, it was also boring so she just needed a drink, but then she left... You can see the cycle. Somehow after all her weekend adventures she still loves her boyfriend, and that is the only other thing you will hear her talk about.
The Legend - Now this guy is a cool guy, he is similar to Jack Black Guy in the sense that he does not care about what other people think. But he is a cool guy still, he can get along with anyone, will sit down at your table and talk and you will feel like you have known him forever. Most people have there is a chance he has been in university for several years now just taking a course at a time. None the less still a good guy.
The People Watcher - This guy is usually trying to blend in with the crowd, you may find him sitting on a bench with a Notebook taking notes on people. He seldom approaches other people and he will eventually use these notes to post them on his blog so other people can know his findings. Often looks quite creepy, sometimes mistaken for a pervert however he is not.
Ooppps that last one was me... Anyways I don't mean to be offensive, I just needed something to blog about.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Moving and things
Math is pretty hard, and the prof has completely ruined Math for me, seriously an hour and a bit of notes everyday, the other day I finally broke down and bought some more text books. So expensive, now I just need to actually use them, maybe that is what I will do tonight.
In the mean time, I am just going to focus on getting rid of this terrible cold that is bogging me down.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I recently read a blog, where someone said they did not want to start another boring blog where people just write about their life and waste space on the internet. I hope that is not what I am doing, because I would like to think that my life is not a waste therefore writing about it and putting it out there for other people would not be a waste. I am not really upset by that statement, just putting it out there.
Life has been busy between school, coaching volleyball (which has yet to start), church, and Bingo! Ya that's right I went to the casino to play bingo, and before anyone that would like to say "Ryan that is gambling and that's wrong." I would just like to state that I disagree, I don't really view it as gambling I think it is a fun social activity, and it is also quite cheap, $5 for two hours of Bingo fun, and you aren't just sitting there watching something, you are actually socializing with other people. Anyways that's what I think, so cheap, fun and social, not like watching a movie, which is fun, but do you really get to know someone if you go see a movie in the theater with them. I think not.
So today I go off to the first volleyball tryout I will coach for a team, and hopefully not the last. There you go everyone, sorry Internet hopefully I didn't waste your space again.
Song of the Day
Up and Up - Relient K
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
As Promised
For those of you that know which I hope is all of you, Hockey Night In Canada is looking for a new theme song, and my uncle has a few entries go give them a listen. Also the top listened to song right now is the worst piece of music I have ever heard, so do not allow that one to win.
Here is the link,
Blades Of Fire
You can go to his profile to hear the other songs.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Anyways song of the day is
Scene and Herd - Relient K
Monday, August 25, 2008
Also I have begun to learn this song on guitar. In other news, I have found a very old video camera that I will begin to start taping my life with. Unfortunately there is no cord to put my life on the computer, so I will not be able to share that with you yet. If you have a video camera that you are itching to get rid of because you never use it. Please share that information with me, and I will be able to take it off of your hands.
That brings us to the song of the day.
Don't Stop Believing - Journey
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Song of the day. Courteously of the Rock Band experience.
Dead On Arrival - Fall Out Boy
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Knights of Columbus
That is exactly what I was saying today when I got stung by a wasp. Just out of the blue, coaching some soccer, Shay took a shot I thought a rock came and hit my calf sure enough there was a wasp with his stinger stuck right in there.
Getting a tattoo is like getting stung by a wasp over and over again. False!
I am not sure who said that, but it hurts way more to get stung by a wasp. Leads my to my song of the day. I started with Will Ferrell and plan to end the same way.
Afternoon Delight - Will Ferrell
Not reflective of my mood I am just a Will Ferrell fan, and I find it quite humorous.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Babies are all the buzz
Today was once again a very hot day, luckily I had to only ref one game today which helped. However when I left the house at like 5:30 it was still plus thirty. And when I left the game at say 7:30 it was still plus 26. Wowzers, that is seriously just bonkers. I was on aware of the possibility of those temperatures at such times.
Also in the past two days outside I have encountered the most intense farmers tan of all time. The contrast is surreal, the white thighs crash against darkness of my knees like... something really light crashing with something really dark. That brings me to the song of the day which is somewhat predictable. But it is:
Black or White - Michael Jackson
Because right now I am both. So dark to be black, and so white to be white.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Welcome Back
Welcome Back - Mase
Give it a listen. Maybe I will start doing song of the day, I wonder if that would entice a larger blogging audience. Yes I will do that, every time I blog I will have a song to describe my mood or the entry.
Anyways, this week is going to be crazy and I am not even done Monday yet, I have somehow found work and a lot of it. I started off today by coaching soccer from 9-3. I will doing that possibly everyday this week. In the evenings I am reffing for a soccer tournament. Which today if my math is correct will put me out in the sun for 9 hours. And it is over plus 30 and that is what it will be like for the whole week. Anyways that is my life these days, hopefully I won't be too exhausted so I can go play some bingo tonight.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Not Yet
But I am not going to say goodbye yet. I am not going to quit early, these last few days are going to be some of the best, because I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't want to finish in a dreary mopey mood just because I don't want to go. It's just time to 'do it to it'.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
One Week Left
Let me start with what has been happening at camp.
-Aerobics (which I believe you all should have seen)
-Talent Show (consisting of me and another volunteer singing two unsuspecting girls a love song, followed by an encore act to everyone, songs were Hero and You're Beautiful)
-One little girl telling me that a parable was a small gold box
-A Backstreet Boys Dance (I want it that way, where I also ripped off my shirt again)
-Some really amazing bible lessons, taught by 2 man plays and also an interview with Jonah
House stuff
-Sleepover (Setting up a tent in the living room and also building forts yesterday night)
-Pranks ( Bed switches, getting flour and water dumped on me, and a mystery prank)
-Camping trip in Whistler (Included giving two rednecks a 6 pack of beer in exchange for the use of their grill. Thanks Glen and Larry!)
-A late night swim in Trout Lake
-Several late night trips to Uncle Fatihs
-The Celebration of Lights Fireworks Shows
Well that has been life here. Now hopefully I will have one last post before I leave from Beautiful British Columbia. If not I must try to come to a decision, since my main purpose of setting up this blog was to keep people in Winnipeg updated on what is going on I will soon be back in Winnipeg, and if they want to know what is going on you can all talk to me.
But if I have made any friends here there is potential that they might want to continue hearing what I am doing back home, so if you are a reader that would like to continue hearing about my life once I am back in the peg city, please leave a comment of some sort, or else this blog may come to an abrupt halt, or just be seldom used.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Week 2
The days start at 5:00 AM and go until roughly midnight. Sometimes earlier, and every day is an adventure in itself, lots of stuff always going on. My bible class that I teach is superb, and although I tend to use unusual antics while teaching the point gets across to the kids, as they have remembered every memory verse so far, and have been starting to ask lots of questions. As I have been telling the stories of creation and how God ruined the world three times since then, they are starting to think God is some sort of crazy maniac, they are in for a surprise when Jesus comes around.
As for weekends, the UP house is good times, good people around willing to do fun stuff and trying to do new things. Went to Granville Island the other day, which was alright, although after the first few times it kind of gets a bit old, although the buskers are fun. Then went to the beach, played some volleyball, it was good to touch a ball again, but I would really love to play some real intense volleyball again. Then played cards, and I owned it, I believe that I am now the undisputed champ after five straight victories! AYO!
Sunday went to church for pancake breakfast then headed over to IKEA for some fun and games, which included a cheap lunch and a game of sardines. Then went around taking pictures, and I think we should send them to IKEA so they can use them in catalogs.
The evening ended with another game of sardines, but that wasn't until the UP House boyband played a free show once again, to a rather uninterested audience, I just don't think the girls here fully appreciate our presence, not sure what it is we are cute enough and got sweet skills.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Figured out
Anyways other then that, today I had pretty much the best day ever. Started off with some church in the morning, then after that we decided to go out for lunch at Red Robin, little did we know the events that were to occur after we made that decision. We ate at RR noticing that Toys R' Us was right across the street, obviously we had to go. We went and played hockey, played baseball, which was so funny with this little kid watching us saying to her son: "Normally you are allowed to play baseball inside, but they are being very careful so it's ok." We were wearing helmets when we were at bat....very safe. Then there were a few impulse buys, and off we went back home. Got home and went to play soccer. It was great! I truly miss playing sports everyday more then ever, but now I decided I will play every Sunday. So it's all good. After soccer it was off to dinner at a board members house, then went to see Hancock. And just when you thought there was no time left to do anything, we climbed up on the rough and did the Soulja Boy Dance. After all that I have just enough time to blog about it for all you to hear.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Not sure who that quote is by. But right now I am still uncertain of where that home is. After spending the past year in Vancouver, making lots of new friends and then just heading back to Winnipeg (not home) to potentially never talk to a lot of these people again.
Now there are two different ways to talk about what I am doing:
A) I am going back home.
B) I am leaving home.
Thoughts on option A.
As I am going back home to friends and family, but are they really the same as when I left, probably not. But that is not the part I am worried about. I think it is great that people change and figure themselves out. I am worried that everyone has stayed the same and that I have changed (at least I would like to think so, would it not have been a big waste of my time had I not changed and grown as a person at all). I am afraid that as I go home I will have changed and everyone else will still be the same. That is my bigger fear.
Thoughts on option B.
I have been living in Vancouver for the past year now. I have made friends here, and tried new things, attempting to figure things out living away from "home" for a while. Because I never planned to stay here for longer then a year, does that mean that all these friendships were a waste of time, since everyone claims to have started checking out before we got here anyways. Or maybe if I was staying they would actually be friends that haven't checked out already anyways.
If it does turn out that no one has changed and that with friends here it may not be worth trying to keep in touch because I was just a temporary person to hang out with for the time being, I find myself in a place where I don't really have somewhere to belong. Is it really healthy for me to constantly move around not knowing where home is, or with working for kids is it good for them to have people constantly coming in and out of their lives?
This is a small portion of my thoughts it would be good to hear yours.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Intern Retreat
I had something else to write when I came on here but I can not remember what it was, hopefully it will come back to me later.
Monday, June 23, 2008
George Carlin
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things.
We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.
Remember to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent.
Remember, to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Times they are a changing
Anyways thats all and once I again I would like to add Go Germany! And also I am so happy that Italy lost today, beyond words with joyfulness. So I call a German win over Turkey and I am gonna call Russia to upset the Spaniards. Should be an exciting final.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Situation 1
Being in Cafe Roma watching Germany destroy Portugal, I am able to speak German with others around me in anticipation of German victory.
Situation 2 (A bit of a longer story)
I decide to go swimming with Tori, he is in grade eight and is quite the person let me tell you. So we are about to go up to use the water slide and on the way up the lifeguard is coming down, saying that the slide is closed. Bummer. So we decide to go sit in the hot tub for a while, and Tori decides to go ask the lifeguard if they are going to open the water slide again. He talks for quite a while and comes back telling me that, the lifeguard said no, so he told her that his friend (me) was from another country and really wanted to go on the water slide. She agrees to open it up for just one slide, and I proceed to pretend to speak German on the stairs up the slide. So I guess it is useful...
Go Deutschland!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sweet Weekend
- Worked (I understand this is something the average person does not look forward to, however the money is a nice new thing)
- Hung out with peeps, playing nintendo wii for a few hours deep into the night (Although I do a lot of hanging out, or "chilling" this time was more fun because new people came, and I am definitely looking forward to new roommates)
- Sleepover in the basement (And old ritual that we try to keep going at the house every now and then)
- 6:00 AM Wake up call
- 6:30 --> On the road to Seattle (Just good times)
- Approximately 5:55 PM I find the nices shoes ever (plus they only cost $35)
- I proceed to buy the shoes
- Bocce ball in the park (Guys win and Girls have to make them cookies)
I just enjoyed hanging out with people all the time, and new people started coming and are going to continue coming, and I am totally looking forward to it. I am pumped for the summer.
On another note, I really need Germany to pull through tomorrow in a must win game against Austria.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
And it went pretty good. I am proud of myself in my first official game of organized softball. Went 4-4, with three tag outs, and two good throws from third to first for the out. On top of that I also finished off three handfuls of spitz. Good on ya Ryan.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Picky Eaters
And I can tell you all that you can blame it on your parents. I means seriously if you are a picky eater it is because:
A) Your parents don't make you eat food they don't like, plus naturally there will be some foods you might not like, which makes double the amount of foods.
B) If your parents eat lots of food, and you say you won't eat it, then they allow you to not eat those foods, they are encouraging you to become a picky eater.
So There you have it everyone, that is why you are a picky eater, it's not you it's them.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Pay It Forward
Have you ever been in one of those lines at Tim Hortons and you step up to pay and it turns out the person ahead of you has paid for your coffee? Well neither have I, but you have at least heard of the idea. Then you pay for the person behind you and so on and so on the cycle continues of people doing a kind deed for the person behind them.
I think this idea is kind of cool how you influence other people to do something by your action. Well today I realized another way to do this. While sitting on the bus a teenage guy got up and offered his seat to an older citizen. At first the older lady didn't want the seat but eventually accepted the kind deed and had a seat. This small act, of what I am sure most people would say they are just doing what they thought was right, influenced so many people around to in change offer their seat to someone they figured needed it more. Weather it was guilt that made them do it, or something rang a bell saying... Hmmm it is easy to do nice things for other, I still think it is kind of cool.
Could you imagine what would happen if everyone started doing random nice things for other people? How could anyone be angry at anyone? Why would anyone repay kindness with anger?
If only the world were so simple.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Probably Cancer
(Ryan is walking to by milk)
(I did not even realize this one girl knew my name but apparently she did and was quite happy to see me)
(It's Jilvan, Shobi and Kessiah, kids who do not actually go to my camp but one of the other camps in the neighborhood)
We go on with regular conversation that a 19 year old may have with grade 3 and 4 kids. Until...
Jilvan: You guys have to come see the dead rat by my house!
Ryan: Sounds pretty gross.
Jilvan: Nope it's just a dead rat.
(We go and turns out the rat is gone)
Jilvan: They must have taken it away, but it's head was crushed, and it already had a lot of hair missing so it probably had cancer already.
I have a feeling after telling that story that it was one of those you had to be there. But I assure you it was really funny, and definitely put a smile on my face.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
This is old news to me, well like a week maybe, but just felt I would share that with everyone.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008
Game Over
First off After School Program finished last Friday, which made for a sad/fun day. Luckily a good number of the kids are coming to summer program so I did not have to say good-bye too many times. There were laughs as well during the water fight, which made for an all around good day and finishing of camp.
Also I am obliged to put this in here, but it is kinda cool. So some guy from Matchstick Marketing gave me a free portable iPod charger for free, and to use and gave me a bunch of coupons for money off, and one extra charger with batteries to give to someone who could use it. So I have been testing it out and it is pretty sweet. Energi-On-The-Go is the deal. Also came with my new very own Energizer Bunny. So it's kind of cool, also it works really good, my batteries still haven't died yet at least and I have used it a bunch. So I would recommend it to all ya'll.
Also I realized I kind of like reading, and I have been reading a lot lately, know of any good books? Let me know.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Professional Sports
- Chicago Bulls
- Minnesota Timberwolves
- Orlando Magic
- New Jersey Nets
- Anaheim Ducks (3)
- Calgary Flames (2)
- Minnesota Wild
- Ottawa Senators
- Vancouver Canucks
- Washington Capitols
- Winnipeg Jets (3)
- Minnesota Twins
- I forget who they were playing
- Detroit Tigers
- Seattle Mariners
There you have it, if you actually cared to read this then Good on ya mate.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Aloe Vera
Although I will not be able to cure the skin cancer in a few years from now this is a great start.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Reading and Dreams
So the dream begins and I get to a soccer game quite late, there is only a few minutes left on the game but I get put in on forward, and for some reason I am wearing a long necklace, with seashells and stuff, a lei from Hawaii that was given to me as a gift I actually own the article of jewelery. So I get on and with only a minute left someone on the far side crosses the ball in and I start to run in for the header, and Tori (one of the SL's here in Vancouver with me) is guarding me and to stop me from going in he grabs the lei and chokes me with it, and it holds me back from going anywhere. The ref who just happens to be Tanya (my site director) does not make any call, and I go off on her because I am so mad, and angry because there was no call on the play. Anyways game goes on I am still really angry and yelling at her when it's over.
After the game for some reason I have to go to Tanya's house, so I go there (this isn't here house in real life it is somewhere else) and she lives in this little apartment and I have to dial up from outside to get in. But inside around the dial there are literally dozens of birds flying around (for anyone that knows me, you know that I am terrified of birds, there I said it, it's not a secret, please do not use this information against me) so I start doing what I normally do in these situations to keep the birds away, I start clapping loudly, the birds fly away except for one. After a few more minutes of clapping and contemplating what to do, I bulk up the courage to just go and press the number. I am reaching in and... the bird bites my hand, now I am yelling at this bird which I am terrified of and now pissed off that it is biting my hand. And the bird will not let go of my hand, until... I wake up.
What does this even mean? Please help me out here, I have not a clue, and I am not ready to face my fear of birds. I must avoid this inevitability if that is what it is. \
On another note I sat outside in the sun this morning for about four hours reading a book/suntanning.
Good News --> Finished the book
Bad News --> Ryan is as burnt as ever, and is uncertain of his future going on as a normal looking human being.
Please support me in the dream troubles and my physical troubles, if you have any aloe vera it would be greatly appreciated during this time, also tips for fending off birds will be needed in the near future I am thinking. Thank you loyal readers.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Goodbye. We are so similar.
As many of you may know when I was in grade 11 my friend and I got bored during school and decided to start making things at school a little bit more interesting. So we started taking things apart, not to hurt anyone but because we got bored. Our main target was the bathrooms, we would take down the mirrors, and just put them on the side, but that got old quickly. Then we started unscrewing the stall doors to the bathrooms, and taking apart the walls in between. This all ended suddenly one day when we walked out of the bathroom and the principle was there luckily we had thought something like this might happen. So we had hidden the screwdrivers in our sock and pulled our pants over top... or so we thought. The screwdrivers were sticking out, and we got suspended for a couple days.
How does this relate to today?
Today I was at camp and realized that one of the boys in camp was gone in the bathroom, for quite some time, so I went in to check on him, and low and behold he was unscrewing the the bathroom stall door. More proof that we are actually the same person.
On another note today was Mike's farewell lunch at UP and Debs and I decided to make a little movie. Felt like sharing for those of you that know Mike you will like the material if you don't, you will enjoy the excellent special effects. Here is the first of many major motion pictures to come.
Monday, May 19, 2008
- Team GP
- Seeing Family and Friends I hadn't seen in a while
- The pilot shortening the word schedule to sched
- The really annoying lady on the plane (doesn't sound like a highlight yet), who had a big heavy binder dropped on her head. The man says "I guess objects in the overhead compartment shifted during the course of the flight"
- Watching Volleyball
All in all a pretty rad trip, I would recommend the city of Calgary to anyone who is considering visiting.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
You Never Let Go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me
Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You
(Matt Redman)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Boy Band Ready

Judging by this side picture (taken by Kristin Cato) it clearly appears that I am ready to be a poster child for North Americas next great boy band. Now all I need is to write some lyrics to some girl who I am hopelessly in love with and has not noticed I exist. That hasn't happened however, so no lyrics of the sort will be written. I guess that North America will have to wait.
On another note, I played some video games with one of my kids from Camp today and got owned, I have clearly lost my video gaming touch.
Also just recently I decided to take notes on some fun quotes that were said during staff meeting earlier this week, I will leave the quotes as anonymous as to not hurt anyone. But they are:
"She was as happy as a pig in manure"
"Save a paper ride a Cowboy"
"Ryan, Henry, Cody,you guys can go fly a kite"
True Story. Really Happened.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Some Insights
Some signs of this are: Separating myself from people that have drawn close to me, being angry for no particular reason, mocking the culture I am currently living in/going back to, daydreaming of home, and being unreasonably nasty towards life in general.
*I don't think I have shown any of these signs, but people are saying I am to convince me that I am going through the stages, If that makes any sense*
Some other things I found out about a few of my kids today in a game of "Would you rather?" and the "If" game
- Given the opportunity to spend the rest of their life at home or at Camp Grace, they would all choose Camp Grace
- If they could hang out with any Camp Grace person for a whole day, all the girls would choose Tanya, and all the boys would choose me.
- 66% of the kids would rather have no arms then no legs
- 85% of kids would rather be in a box being attacked by a Tiger then by a Shark
- All the kids would rather have their eyes fall out on occasion then have a magnetic head
- All the kids would rather fight a tiger then a lion
- If they could be any animal they would be either cats or dogs
- If they killed a grizzly bear 95% say their weapon would be a sword, other 5% say machine gun
- All the kids would rather shoot lazers out of their eyes uncontrollably then have scissors as hands
Feel free to leave your answers to those questions and see where you fit in. After recent findings, I sometimes wonder who actually reads my blog, so if you have never commented and you read this on occasion now would be a good time to do so. Peace out.
UP House Happenings
Also around the house here I started up the morning quotes which is two funny quotes that I print off and tape to the door coming downstairs. Usually it makes the morning just slightly more enjoyable. Quotes are from Arrested Development and The Office, the two greatest shows ever made. Fact!
And around the house the new game to play is "Would you rather..." which seems really lame, and kind of is. But it is amazing the things you can come up with. For instance:
"Would you rather have a magnetic head or your eyes fall out on occasion?
Thats tough to choose. Here is another.
"Would you rather be stuck in a small box being fed by a tube or stuck in a glass box in water where sharks are constantly trying to attack you, there is a 50/50 chance they might get in?
That is really hard, and really you can tell a lot about a person from a few simple questions.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Some Poetry
Morning again
I open my front door.
A reminder I am still in Vancouver,
My heart sinks lower as rain falls further into the mud.
Another soggy morning,
nothing new.
A change would be nice.
Sun is preferred but never expected.
Welcome here... Rain.
The Biggest
The BIGGEST and the Greatest
One in the same really.
I was never the tallest,
but I tried the hardest.
Never finished first,
but always cheered the loudest.
My stature was not huge,
nor big or overwhelming.
But big is on the inside,
my Heart gives a constant pounding.
So that is what I came up with please share your thoughts, perhaps in a poem of your own.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New Ideas
Seems like a good idea to me, I mean why not turn off the lights when you aren't using them, and recycle as much as you can, and get grocery bags that you can re-use. All good ideas. Today the lady preaching at church did a whole sermon on preserving God's earth. I think thats cool, that is why we should preserve it, God gave it to us so let's take care of it right.
I just sometimes think that maybe this isn't as important as some people push it to be, I definitely agree that we should take care of His earth. But maybe before we learn how to take care of his earth we should try to learn more about how to take care of/treat his people. Not just Christians but everyone, since we are all made in His image that would make us all His people.
I just think that sure if we are recycling and doing all this stuff to take care of the earth, but if you can't treat people with respect that everyone should be deserved then perhaps you have your priorities out of place?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A New Leaf
I am calling this time "Run Fat Boy, Run" I realize this a movie that just came out recently. However I have not seen this movie I feel that it probably closely resembles my life at the moment.
I decided earlier this morning that I was going to start a new hobby, although there is a current dispute going on as to weather running can actually be a hobby, I am making it my new hobby.
If you have a comment on weather running can actually be a hobby or not please note your thoughts and then add a comment on what your hobby idea for me would be, this would have to fit in the phrase "_____ Fat Boy, ______"
So it couldn't be like "Do puzzles Fat Boy, Do Puzzles" because that would still leave me as Fat Boy.
Thanks for all your help during this time of change for me.
Monday, April 21, 2008
If you would rather..
Day 1
- The drive out includes two stops at Tim Hortons
- Arriving at a the amazing destination
- Settlers of Catan (I win)
- We are all introduced to Bohnanza (The Bean Game)
- Playing the "If" game and "Would you rather", to make things easier we decided to combine them
- Hot Tub
Unfortunately this did not come with the downfalls of the long drive out, and it also snowed non-stop. For your Winnipeg child who is used to seeing snow in April in Manitoba, and moved out here to get away from that, I was not impressed.
Day 2
- A day of spiritual refreshment and renewal. Lots of devotional time, and just time to relax and
enjoy God's creation
- A walk around through the village
- Frolicking in the snow, and trying to come up with some good group shots
- Jumping over top of Kristin many times making sure I didn't make the camera
- Settlers of Catan (I win again)
- Bohnanza
- Poker Night (I also win, and bring in the cash, that's three wins this weekend... but who's counting?)
Again another great day with lots of fun and joy to be shared with everyone, again does not come without some downfalls. It once again proceeded to snow all day. And we find out that as fun as games like Settlers and Bohnanza are, it is impossible to play these games without us all getting incredibly upset at each other. So much so that some of us proceed to take some alone time to blow off the steam from the game. This is mostly a Settlers thing, Bohnanza is better for keepings friendships, however I never win as you see, and yet I continue to play and enjoy it. Every time the same thing, I feel that I have a good game, and lose drastically. Weird. After two intense games of hatred and stabbing each other in the back we decide we need a game where no one can affect anyone else in a negative manner. Poker is the game of choice, and we all find out that Debs is either really lucky of has a gambling addiction. Or there is the slight chance she is actually a good poker player. None the less I was able to overcome the odds. But Props to you Debs.
Day 3
- Juno (the movie) in the morning
- Eating lunch
- Bohnanza
- Cleaned up
- Walmart
- Home
Synopsis of Day 3. It went as expected I would say, your typical last day. I once again proceed to enjoy playing Bohnanza and not even get close to winning. Also strangest Wal-Mart trip of my life I have never seen so many people to happy to go to Wally World. Luckily this helps us decide to start planning monthly outings to Wal-Mart. Right On! Even though I don't really understand the hype I fully respect their happiness and joy in the planning of these outings. It will make us tight.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Our Love Language
Everybody has a unique way of communicating with other people. Here, at Urban Promise, Vancouver, we like to ensure that the people around us know exactly what we are saying.
One of our favourite ways of doing this is by using the verbal device known as "Emphatic Repitition". Emphatic Repitition is a term coined by our very own Ms. Kristin Cato. Basically, when you feel the need to repeat a word/phrase that has just been said in conversation, repeat the word emphasising the individual syllables with a slightly higher pitched voice and a little more force.
Here is an example conversation. Names have been altered for the protection of the real life people involved.
Toby: Hey Fiona, What are you doing?
Fiona: I'm googling emphatic repitition
Toby (High pitched and slightly forced): Em-pha-tic Rep-i-ti-tion
Another element of our love language, which Matt Wall R.I.P contributed, is known as the "Grumbly Voice" and is often used to make a point. It is said with a strength and a confidence that can only come from God.
Here is a real-life situation, in which the Grumbly Voice was applied. Whilst doing the morning crossword
Ryan: Ok Matt, here's one for you
Matt: Hit me with it
Ryan: The clue is 'an X-rated dance'
Matt: Bump n GRIND!
Note that Grind was said with alot of emphasis and a slight, raspy grumbliness in the voice.
This is the love language of Urb-an Prom-ise. If you want to fit in, USE IT. BAM.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Just say Yes
But you are so positive that you made the right choice, and you can feel it and everything points to it, then you explain to people how clear the right choice was... and they still don't get it.
How come people just don't get it?
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's Official
On another side note I got a cell phone yesterday. So if you feel interested in phoning me to find out whats happening and that we should stay in touch, send me an email with your number and stuff and I will send you back my number and stuff. That would be neat.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Worst Birthday Ever
Let me set the stage.
We are playing team hand ball, and this one guy gets upset because the other team cheated and scored, I was giving the ball back to his team explaining that it was no goal, he had already stormed off, knocked over a few stairs, dumped the garbage can, and locked himself in the bathroom stall and possibly broken the toilet paper dispenser. I follow him in.
R: That is unacceptable and you know that.
T: I don't care this is the worst day ever and it's my birthday.
(He kicks the toilet)
R: You can't keep kicking and breaking things you will have to fix or pay for anything that breaks.
T: I don't care this is the worst day ever and it's my birthday.
R: Thanks you already have told me that.
(He walks out of the bathroom stall)
T: Well I just hate cheaters.
R: If you would have waited instead of storming off you would have found out that he didn't get away with it.
T: I still hate cheaters.
R: Thanks you already told me that.
(He kicks a vent)
R: You can't keep kicking and breaking things you will have to fix or pay for anything that breaks.
T: You already told me that.
(He got me)
R: So whats up man tell me whats going on here?
T: This is just the worst day ever on my birthday.
R: I am getting that, but what happened?
T: I had to stay in at recess and lunch...
R: How come?
T: Doesn't matter.
R: Go on
T: Then no one knew it was my birthday, I came here and had to play with cheaters.
R: Dude everyone has had a bad birthday before it happens.
T: Oh ya what is your worst birthday?
( I try to think if I have ever had a bad birthday)
R: Umm..
T: See told you.
(It came to me)
R: My worst birthday, my sister stuck her hand in my birthday cake and no body could have cake.
T: So who's sounds worse.
R: I think mine sounds worse, there was no cake for anyone.
T: Do you even remember what happened to me today?
R: Yes.
T: Then tell me.
(Oh crap, I can remember a bit)
R: You had to stay in at recess and lunch, and you had to play with cheaters today.
T: Thats not all.
R: Umm....
T: See you weren't even listening to me.
(Here comes a completely different battle. HA It came to me)
R: And no one remembered your birthday.
T: See mine was way worse.
R: I had no cake!
T: SO. .... I had to stay in at recess.
R: So.
(Maybe not the best thing to say, but you have to understand our relationship, that's just how we do)
T: And everyone forgot it was even my birthday
R: SO.
T: And I had to play with a cheater.
R: I have played with cheaters before.
T: On your birthday?
R: Yes.
(Nothing is said for a while, although he is done crying now)
R: You can choose to make this a good birthday with what we got, or you can sit here and continue to sulk about it. But we are going to go out clean up the garbage and pick up those chairs.
(Says nothing but just kinda gives a groaning noise)
R: I want to help you have a good birthday, but you need to help yourself have a good birthday.
(Probably one of my better lines)
T: Fine.
Ryan wins and he proceeds to have a good birthday. A reminder this whole conversation happened in the bathroom.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
New Website
Monday, March 31, 2008
A Daily Poem
It's all improv so hear goes nothing.
At nine in the morn the day began
The doorbell rang and there Mike stood,
We are in a hurry that was understood.
We were about to become part of the villages clan.
We all ran to hop into his Jeep
Unfortunately there's no good seats in the back,
Debs needed Shotgun, her coccyx (tailbone) is out of whack.
On the drive there no one made a peep.
Up to Ten Thousand we had finally arrived
"Cheers to ya mates" Stan said with a grin,
We took a look around and said where to begin.
It seemed that we had not been deprived.
The rugs all across the floor the were laid
We folded them up into the small boxes,
We worked so hard: School of hard Knox's.
There was only one way for us to be paid.
That way was you unique if you may ask,
The chocolates that were given were way past their date.
The date that is said was smudged and unclear.
Oh March 9 2008 it says over here.
We made our way home, office staff are disgruntled,
their anger towards us it was funneled.
We missed weekly cleaning that is what happened,
I understand we clean with much passion.
Eventually we made our way to camp,
The weather outside was anything but damp.
Although the weather was lovely we did not have a clue,
Just the type of day we were about to pursue.
The children arrived in a mad jimble jamble,
everything just looking like an organized mad scramble.
Skipping, Piano and running around,
basically we just all act like clowns.
Standing in line for the skipping rope,
Budging's a problem causing kids to mope.
Today was the same just like any other,
Kids kept budging one after another.
One boy decided to take matters into his own hands,
and the other boys throat he reached out and grabbed.
"Stop that right now!" I yelled from afar
So loud he thought it came from a star.
To the TimeOut chair I sent him to sit,
"Think about what you have done for a bit."
Soon he returned, Apology was accepted,
This was very good and so unexpected.
The day would continue to an uneventful closing,
Supper was calling the table proposing.
Sweet n' Sour Chicken on the table it laid,
A pineapple enclosed to the chickens aid.
Off for the evening which would be a thrill,
AquaFit my calling, a nice workout drill.
We whooped and screamed to show our emotion,
We ended up causing quite the commotion.
It was time for the day to come to close,
time to go bed everyone knows.
And luckily Kristin is home from Honduras,
Just in time for the houses unsettling aromas.
That is my poem, kinda lame but hopefully it intrigued some of you to read this.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Anyways last week flowers start blooming up all over the place. Pretty cool for March.
Thursday it snows. And stays on the ground. Weird. It all melts by the afternoon.
Friday.. rains most of the day kinda... but still is kinda sunny.. it was weird.
Saturday... really nice weather... let's go play volleybal... HAIL! Really!?
Sunday. really Sunny all day beautiful weather. Ryan goes for a nice walk. Starts pouring Rain.
I just don't get it.
I think predicting the weather would be a cool job, you can always be wrong, and.. no big deal it's expected.
Also weather is cool because everyone can talk about it, we all experience it, and at any given time we all love it or hate it. I think weather brings all people together.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Also today I had to get some kids to write about why they like interns, so I asked Griffin to do so, I told him yesterday and today we came up to me after school and told me he had it all figured out.
He writes:
I like Ryan because he plays hockey with me.
Ryan: Is there anything else you can add to that?
Griffin: Ya, but that is just the best part.
Thanks Griffin. That is my favorite part too.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We had a group of volunteers helping out, and the kids are allowed to ask each person a couple questions. Here they are.
1. Do you have a boyfriend? (4 times)
2. Do you have a girlfriend? (2 times)
3. Do you like swimming?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Do you have a room mate?
And the last two are the best
6. Are you a superhero? Because you look like Spiderman.
7. Do you have a crush on any of the boys in your group?
Number seven definitely made that girl go beat red.
Wow kids are great.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Why buying lottery tickets is simply wrong:
1. Would you ever go into a lottery booth and buy a 6/49 ticket with the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and a bonus of 7? Of course you wouldn't. But that number has just as ludicrously small a chance of winning as do some idiotic numbers you pulled out of the air.
Really good book, I would recommend it to people, as long as you don't care about the bad language on occasion it's a really good laugh, and very well written.
I thought I had it in the bag.
But after 4 Hours and 15 Minutes.
I fell to the bottom.
Bankruptcy was the only answer.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hairy Man
Let me set the scene.
We are sitting watching a movie, Jacky wants to sit on my lap, and he grabs my hand to hold my hand, and at this point I had rolled my my sleeves a little bit.
He grabs my arm
Jacky: You hairy man.
Ryan: That's what happens when you get old.
Then he proceeds to pull the hair on my arms.
I roll my sleeves back down.
He rolls them up continuing to pull my arm hair.
Ryan: Jacky stop pulling my arm hair please. (While I let out a little laugh)
Jacky: Fine. Just shave for tomorrow.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Spring Break Camp
What a great team to work with.
Team Cheer that I just made up
Rickerracker Firecrack ZIM BOOM BAH
Spring Break Camp!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Horton Hears A Who
And I said what I meant
An Elephants Faithful
One Hundred Percent.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I thought that was all.
I get home there on the table is Pizza a note is attached...
-Happy Birthday! Mom
Alright that must be all.. Nope.
There comes a card, not addressed, and no postage. Thanks sister. Thats confusing.
Although no one forgot my birthday so I could live my day just like The Office
It was still a pretty good day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The 18'th Year ended with a bang, Laser Tag and Pizza at Uncle Fatih's. (Which is causing me to
turn into Uncle Fatty)
Not a bad way to end the year. Let's see what new things arise.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Oh Snap
"I think you missed a letter"
"I don't think so"
"Isn't there a D in your name?"
"Oh Snap!"
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Shred the Knar
Pretty much owned it. Made it all the way down, switched to goofy foot then back again.
Awwww ya boyeee.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
So this is what you will do when you give props to someone.
1. Lift your hands up so they are right next to your ears.
2. Swing forward in direction of prop receiver while snapping your fingers.
- if you can not snap your fingers, make a click sound in your mouth
- also it is a normal snap not the snapping chewing tobacco thing, just normal snapping your fingers
3. After the snap you will point your fingers like a little pop gun towards the person receiving
4. You will tell them that Ryan Malech thought of this whole idea
5. After you will all give props to my idea, by going through steps 1-3 but point in the air to symbolize thinking of me.
While giving props nothing needs to be said as everyone should understand what is going on. To get this spread feel free to explain the procedure to everyone countdown and give props all together, eventually everyone will understand and this will not be necessary.
Please be open to this new idea. Although may seem ridiculous this gesture will catch on for that exact reason.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
What is a sky crapper?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Irresistable Revolution
He just saw a child of God he was madly in love with."